Chapter 6

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Quick recap:
Before you knew it you blacked out.
Your POV

You awoke in a white room only to hear gasps.

You look around the room and see Ryan, Ashley and Josh, Brendon and Sarah, then you look over and see Tyler with a girl you haven't seen before

You try to speak but can't.

Lucky for you a nurse brings you a glass of water.

You gulp down the drink and she says "hello ms. l/n, I'm surprised that you're up."

You look at her confused and then she says "honey you have been out for 2 months, we were going to take you off life support yesterday but thanks to that boy over there we kept you on it." She pointed to Brendon.

You nod your head as the nurse leaves.

"Who is that?" You ask Tyler.

"This is Ty my girlfriend." He tells you proudly.

She waves at you and you smile at her.

"Where's Ryan?" You ask him.

"He went to get something to eat." Tyler tells you.

Suddenly Bren gets up and hugs you.

After he was finished hugging you, you said "how bad were the injuries?"

"They were pretty bad, you had 4 broken ribs and a cracked skull." Ashley told you.

Suddenly Ryan walks through the door.

He smiles at the sight of you.

"Hey babe." He tells you.

You wave at him and kiss him.

The nurse walks in and says "you are good to go home."

"Thank you." You tell her.

~at your house~

You were laying in bed as Ryan walks in your room.

You knew something was up.

"What's wrong?" You ask him.

"Listen I need to break up with you." He tells you.

"W-why?" You ask him on the verge of tears.

"There's someone else that I like." He tells you.

"Does she make you happy?" You ask him.

"Yes really happy." He tells you.

"Then it's ok." You tell him.

"Alright but just because we broke up doesn't mean we're not friends." He tells you.

"Agreed and I wanna meet her! What's her name?" You ask him.

"Elizabeth." He answers.

You could see it in his eyes that they were meant to be.

"Well what are you doing go get her and bring her here!" You tell him.

He nods his head and walks out the door with quick goodbye.

A few minutes later a crying Brendon came through the door.

"Bren what's wrong." You ask him.

He says nothing he climbs in bed next to you and says "she cheated on me."

"Oh Bren I'm so so so so sorry." You tell him.

"You now what." He tells you.

"What?" You ask him.

"It's ok cause I only dated her to make you jelly so you would date me." He tells you.

You blush and say "try asking me out I am single you know."

"Ok y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks you with that goofy grin.

"Yes beebo yes I will." You tell him while laughing.

He groans and says "Really Ashley really? That nickname! Out of all of them."

You laugh at him and he kisses your nose.

"Hey babe!" You say.

"Yes y/n/n?" He asks you.

"Go get me food." You ask him.

"Mk I will." He tells you as he gets up to go get you food.

After he left Ryan walks through the door with who I'm guessing is Elizabeth.

"Here is the amazing girl I was telling you about."  He says as she waves at you.

"Hi I'm Elizabeth but people call me Liz." She tells you with a hug.

"Hey Liz Ryan has told me so much about you." You tell her as you give a blushing Ryan a wink.

~30 mins later~

"We better get going." Ryan says as he and Liz stand up.

"Mk it was nice meeting you Liz." You tell her as she says the same thing back.

Suddenly Brendon came through the door with food.

"Took you long enough." You tell him jokingly.

"Sorry there was a lot of traffic." He tells you as you both eat.

You suddenly felt yourself getting sleepy.

Before you went to sleep you heard Brendon say "I love you y/n."
Whoop an update! Sorry it took so long I was messaging people and all that jazz!

I hope you liked it and sorry I introduced you the opposite way you wanted to be introduced into the book ninjaPANDAty ! I hope you liked it though! And once again sorry for it taking so long to update! And Panic_At_Marks  did you like you entrance in the book!?!? If not you can tell me! Anyway have a great night love you all

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