All love is conditional.
Weather It be love in a relationship, a friendship, or in a family. My reasoning is simple, really. Humans are selfish. Who and what we love is based solely on what he/she/it does, feels, and acts toward us.
We break a relationship if they take advantage of us. We choose our pets based on which is better behaved. We favor our friends, giving one or two the title "best friend." We even rate the attraction of complete strangers we pass in the mall.
Now, there are the exceptions. You may love your friends equally. You may treat strangers with respect. You may forgive an unfaithful partner again and again.
If you are a part of the first kind I mentioned, you shouldn't feel bad. Most people think that way. It's rational. If you are a part of the exception, however, I believe that way of thinking is foolish.
If all love is conditional, does love even exist? It might. It all depends on what your definition for love is. My definition for love is always changing. Right now my definition is undefined. Like the equation 0 divided by 0. If you haven't already asked Siri this question, I'll answer it for you. (Let's say that love doesn't exist in this example.) You have zero love and you split it evenly with nobody. See? It doesn't make sense.
Now, you may be getting the impression that I am very depressed and have a low expectation on life. That isn't true at all, though. I'm not a prude. I'm not an asexual. I fall in love. I have fallen in love. Now look where that's taken me. Here I am, giving you a lecture on your love life, trying to destroy any hope you have in your current or potential relationships.
I'm not depressed. I'm not even angry, for that matter. I don't have a low expectation on life. I want to find somebody. I want to get married and have kids. I want to be with "the one" for the rest of my life. Even though I want that, I know it's never going to happen. It's just an irrational teenage dream. Right now, my definition for love is undefined. To put it in it's simplest form...
love does not exist.