Chapter 12

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-day before chapter 11-

Kookie's POV

When I found out about Suga hyung his recording studio, I was nervous.

Especially when I found out that he was moaning my name.

I had to go to somebody and tell them, which just so happened to be Tae (and everyone knows that he can't keep his mouth shut).

I had to tell Suga that I liked him like that too, but I didn't know how. I had to come up with a plan somehow, so I decided to just ask the most reliable person that I know, which was Jimin.

I knocked on his door, hearing a faint 'come in'.

"H-hyung?" I ask, looking to make sure no one else was in his room and went inside his room, closing the door tightly. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," he joked. When he saw my serious expression, he nodded his head for me to continue.

"Can you teach me how to"

Hyung laughs, slapping his thighs as his eyes crinkle up until you can't see his pupils.
"Are you bing serious? You're way too cute for that."

I pout, frowning at him. "No I'm not."

He chuckles. "You just used a double negative."

I slap my cheek, pleading, "can you please just show me how to be sexy?!"

He sighs, pointing his finger at me. "Come here." I slowly go toward him, wondering what he's going to do. He looks me up and down. "Well, to start off, you'd need to make him blush. That's when you know you can start making him get flu-"

"Why are you saying him?"

Jimin just smirks. "Why else would you want to be sexy? You want Yoongi hyung, and he clearly wants you,so why not go get him?"  I nod, understanding his logic. He continues."I'm pretty sure you know how to make him blush easily, so that won't be a problem. The next step would be to tease him."

"I can't tease him! He'll just walk away from me!"

"I'm not done Kookie," Jimin says, glaring at me.

"After you tease Yoongi, pull him close to you. I would prefer you to be behind and pull him into you, but the other way works too." He looks at me expectantly. "I wish the best luck for you and Yoongi to be together," he says, shoving me out of his room.

"Wait, what about-"

"Think of it yourself. Don't come to me. Byebye!"

I stand outside of Jimin's locked door and whisper,"he didn't tell me how I'm supposed to tease him...."

(Maybe-smut in next chapter)

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