Chapter 2 Is This Really a Good Thing?

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Noah is Jake T. Austin

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Chapter 2 Is This Really a Good Thing?

"Sup partner," the guy next to me greets.

We, as in my partner and I have to come up with a project about history.

"So, what should we do for our project?" I ask.

"I'm a writer, so I'm thinking that you should draw something related to World War II and I'll write about what you drew," he suggested.

"You don't look like the writer type," I say honestly.

"Come on now, I may look bad ass and all but I can write one hell of an essay," he says confidently.

"Alright then. When do you want to start?" I ask.

"I have a date tonight so what about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good," I agree.

Come on, come on, all I have to do is wait for the bell to ring and I'll just be on my way. All that guy does is stare directly at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Sven," I turn to the teacher.


"You are needed in the principal's office."

What did I do?

"Alright," I stand up and head to the door.

"I'll take him," the guy that was staring at me volunteers himself.

"It's okay, I know where the principal's office is," I assure the teacher. I definitely don't want walk with a creep in an empty hallway.

"I insist," he says.

"No, I insist."

"I insist!"

"I insist!"

"I insist!" God he's so persistent.

"Go and leave my class, both of you," the teacher says, clearly annoyed.

This is very awkward.

I ignore him and continue walking until I see a sign saying principal. I open the door and there I see not only the guy that was beating up Noah but Noah and the teacher.

"What happened?" I ask.

Noah looks at me with hurt in his eyes. "It seems that you are responsible for a fight that happened this morning, care to explain exactly what had happened?" The principal asks me.

"Well, let's see, I got out of my car, Noah decided to go in first and when I stepped foot into the school, the first thing I see is Noah getting slammed against a locker by that guy. As a brother, and what a brother is supposed to do, I broke it up but then I was slammed against a locker. When he saw-," I point at the teacher, "-I grabbed Noah and took him to the nurses office. I was clearly not the one responsible for the fight," I say strongly.

"That is not what Kyle told us," The principal turns to Kyle.

"He's obviously lying!" Kyle exclaims, "he's new here so of course he's making up this lame story so he won't get in trouble on his first day, right Noah?" Kyle looks at Noah with a look saying 'you better not say the wrong thing'.

"I-," he looks at me and at Kyle, "I-".

"For god's sake," I get annoyed and step in front of Noah so he won't be put in the spot. The alpha being the school principal, that is so cliché. "I'm telling the truth and if you're going to believe what that guy told you, do it I don't really care. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take my brother." I grab Noah's arm as he gets up and follows me out.

"I-I'm sorry," is the first thing he says.

"No need to be sorry, I'll always have your back," I smile down at his short figure. "Give me your phone."


"Just give it to me." He puts it in my hand. I dial in my number and do the same for my phone.

"Here's my number, text or call me, it doesn't matter. If you're ever in trouble or you want to talk, I'll be there," I assure him.

For once, I see him smile, "okay." He runs off to his class.

I start to walk but then get pulled back. I look back and see the guy that was staring at me the whole entire time in first period. "Do you need something?" I ask, still a little annoyed. I want to pull away from his grasp but the sparks and the pleasurable feelings are preventing me from doing so.

"I can't believe this, why did it have to be a guy," He murmurs. He looks me right in the eyes, "this is probably not going to make any sense to you, but I Grayson King reject you, Sven Hale as my mate," and with that he lets go.

I actually chuckle, I turn around and start to walk back to my class. What's this? I touch my cheek and feel warm water. I taste it and it taste salty. Could this be a tear? I don't think I've ever cried before-wait, why am I crying in the first place? This is a good thing, right? I should be relieved, I feel relieved but then, why? Why is my heart hurting? I want it to stop. Now.

The sound of the bell brings me back to reality, realizing I should be heading to second period. Okay, Sven this is a good thing. It's nothing to cry over.

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Poor Sven I bet you guys didn't expect that. I actually didn't expect that and I'm the one writing this story. I was all like 'they're going to live a happy ever after' but then I was like 'nahh' because lets face it, there is no such thing as a happy ever after but who knows what I might do.

If you liked this chap press that vote button and comment. I don't know when I might upload the next chapter so yeah, if you lovely readers comment then I might upload faster. Oh and I might make the next chap Grayson's P.O.V.

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