Groove Thing

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As Draco carries Silas to his room, he wonders why the Hell Silas won't tell him anything.
I mean, I'm a guy. Guys tell other guys their problems, right?
I'm his brother, no less.
...By marriage.
Kind of.
He always tells Quinne, I don't understand why.
The only person he should talk to is -
"Draco?" A small voice comes from the bundle in his arms.
"Yeah buddy?"
"Where am I?"
Oh, how Draco wants to capture his expression to keep forever. So sleepy and confused.
"You're safe, Silas. I'm taking you to your room."
"...Oh. Alright."
He's quiet again.
Draco gently nudges his door open and lays him on the bed before tucking him in and pressing his forehead to Silas' and leaving quietly. Lucelia meets him outside of his room. "You can't protect him forever, Draconus." She says, though her tone has no malice, only slight melancholy.
"...I know." Draco replies in almost a whisper.
That ends the conversation and they part to their separate rooms.
In the morning, Silas pulls on a buttondown flannel and rolls up the sleeves, then picks out a pair of jeans and some gray Vans before grabbing his backpack and heading to school.
His first week in tenth grade is uneventful, as is his second.
That is, until some chick hands him an invitation to a party and skips down the hallway merrily.
He turns to Quinne. "You want this?"
"Woah, no way!" She breathes in disbelief. "Silas, if I'm going, you're going."
He grimaces. Damnit.
Knowing that he isn't getting out of it, he agrees.
They get home that evening and show Lucelia, who gushes over them. "Aw, I remember my first party! So much alcohol - I mean fun!" She corrects herself as one of the housekeepers walks by. Silas cocks an eyebrow.
Quinne ignores it, asking, "What should we wear?"
Lucelia then proceeds to drag her to her room to pick several outfits while Silas is left staring at the invitation.
"What's that you got there?" Draco says, approaching him from behind. He startles so badly he drops the card. "Invitation to a party." He says, staring at it as it lays on the floor. "Saturday night."
"Good thing we're not religious, haha. Don't have to worry about church."
"Is that permission to go?"
"...Cool." He bends over to pick it up off of the floor and heads to his room, bidding Draco goodbye as he starts walking. A few moments later Arielle bursts in, out of breath.
"So... I heard about a party!"
Silas nods.
"Can I come?"
"Can you pick my outfit?" Silas asks, not wanting to go through the trouble of Lucelia and her fifty options. Seriously, he didn't even know he owned that much clothing.
"Of course, bro!"
He nods. "Then yeah, you can."
"Awesome! Gotta go figure out mine first."
"It's Thursday." He frowns.
"Never too early!" She sprints away.
I have the weirdest family on the planet, I swear.

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