How Time Flies By

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Well it's been two years already since we been in our new home and my sexy papi coming home from work as usual but, this time when I greet him at the door he just walks past me go to the refrigerator and grabs a couple beers then heads to the couch. So I follow him ask him how was his day at work today. He gives me that look again. 😒 Remember when watching the movie he gave me the same look. So I ask him were he okay then he gets up come over to me after he gets drunk and starts kissing me on my neck while rubbing my breast I try to resist it but he just kept on so I gave up and then I took his shirt off him forgetting I had our dinner sitting at the table for us. I didn't care though I was at the time trying to relax my man making happy and didn't like to see him annoyed or angry. But then after awhile he pulls my shirt off and starts  to say
I thought you din't love me any more, I stop lean back a little look into his eyes and said, why would you think that I don't love you no more? He say because you always sleep when I come home or you don't even budge when I kiss you on the forehead no more, so that's  why I hang  with the guys instead of the gorgeous wife I have at home. I kiss his forehead and say why would you ever doubt my love for you. Then I go to ask him did you forget what I told you? He says no then pulls me close and hugs me right and says to me I'll never doubt your love again my gorgeous Queen.

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