Big bad Red

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"Move Dylan you fag!" I yell as I unload my stuff from the moving truck. He stuck out his tongue and ran into the house. I groan as I walk up the pathway of our new two story house I don't get why we need it there are less people in the house a small house would've been just fine.

Just then I'm pushed over and I hear laughing. I get up and kick the box aside. It was Devin this time! I'm gonna kick his ass. I chase after him but he only makes it to the next mansion/house whatever you call it.

I jump on him and knock him to the ground causing us both to fall but he cushioned my landing.

"For a football player you sure are slow." I say before punching him multiple times in the face and chest. He tries to stop me but my hands are small fast.

I'm pulled off and hit in the head. I kick backward knowing it's Dylan. He picks me up and holds me by the back of my shirt while Devin is slowly getting up holding his face.

"Bitch." He said as he stood straight.

"Pussy!" I spat. "Oh look at the twins protecting each other. Put me down." I yell.

"Nope. I'm having fun." Dylan says.

"Oh oh! Sing the song." Devin says like a girl. I struggle to get out of his grip.

"No way!" I yell as I kick and thrash. I can see people from the big house looking out the window.

"Do it and I'll put you down AND we'll leave you alone for the rest of the day." Devin says. This small about of embarassment can give me a whole day of peace. Oh what the hell. I groan then sigh.


"Ok well go on sing it." Dylan says.

"Oh and do the dance too." Devin says while smiling as if he's about to win a great prize.

"I'm a little tea pot short and spout here is my handle here is my spout when I get all steamed up hear me shout FUCK YOU DEVIN AND FUCK YOU DYLAN!" I finish off in a screamo voice. I laugh as Dylan drops me. I run and pick up th box that I left on the pathway then take it up to my room.

"Where are your brothers?" My Dad asked. I dropped my box off in it's room and came back out.

"Um outside." I say as I walk past him. The boys are coming in holding boxes I squeeze past them and walk back out to the truck.

There's a guy standing next to the truck with no shirt on. He's super buff like he lives at the gym his hair is a light brown and is in his eyes. I can't really see his eyes but they're a light color and his lips are perfectly pink and plump.

"Is there something you need? There's nothing worth stealing here." I say to him. He chuckles as he looks over me. I'm just wearing my red hoodie a pair of grey sweats with my red chucks and my hair is up in a ponytail.

"Um no I'm not stealing but be careful when you and your brothers are messin around because the neighbors don't like it." He said smiling a bit. What a sexy piece of ass!

"Well thanks but I don't need you or any of your snooty neighbors telling me what to do." I say as I grab another box. He grabs my arms and I gasp at the feel of electricity. I look up at him and he's smiling with pearly white teeth.

"You're mine now." He says while smiling.

Feeling week in the knees I slowly nod and walk into my house wondering what the hell just happened. I put the box down in my room and sit there for a while. I've NEVER let anyone boss me around and whoever this guy is he sure as hell won't.

After everything is out of the truck I'm halfway unpacked when I hear a loud noise. I go to my window and move the curtains my room is right next that guy's window.

He looks at me and smiles as if he just got and extra dollar from the store. I smile back and close my curtains. Right on time my Dad walks by and I stop him.

"What?" He asks. I smile and hug him I know I may be a bitch sometimes but I know how hard this is on him.

"Can I spray paint my wall?" I ask him. He pulls me back and shakes his head.

"No you aren't messing up my walls." He tells furiously.

"C'mon you know I'll do it anyways and plus I only wanted to do my name." I said smiling.

"Why would you write Dakota on your wall?" He asked a groaned and slapped my forehead.

"No I'm going to put little red." I say. I've really frown to the name and honestly I love it.

"Fine but open your window I don't want you getting high." He said before walking off.

I dance to my window and pull the curtains back then opened the window. I walked over to my box of art supplies and grabbed my red spray paint. In big words across the wall next to my door I wrote 'Little Red'

"Little Red! RED! RED!" I hear Dylan yelling from downstairs.

"WHAT?!" I yell back.

"PIZZA!" He yells back. I dash downstairs and snatch three slices out of the box before anyone noticed.

"How the hell do you always pop up out of nowhere?" Devin asks me as I grab a plate and a cup for my soda.

When I'm back upstairs I eat and think of what I'm going to do next. Probably my bed. Something catches my eye and I turn around to see the boy from earlier opening his window.

"Little Red ehh?" He asked. "You know here they call me alpha. Now you know my nickname babe." He said and winked at me.

"Why do they call you alpha?" I asked getting fascinated. I closed my door then walked over to the window and sat down while still eating my food.

"Because I'm the boss. I run things here," He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Why little red?" He asked.

"Because I'm," I pointed to my sweatshirt. "Red and I'm small." I mumbled the last part. I've always hated being shorter than everyone else last time I checked I was 5'1.

"You are small. I can't really see your body though your tits don't look that small." He says shamelessly. My eyes go wide and I get up to leave.

Who the hell does he think he is?


So yay this is the first chapter. Of you don't like it give it a second chance when I update next time. :)




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