Chapter 14

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Stella's POV

Maxine, Bea and I arrived in the kitchen to see Allie scrubbing the dishes..." Bea!? came..." she smiled and walked towards us."yeah... oh this is Stella. The newbie... and you obviously know Maxine" she said as Allie put the brush down." Yeah nice to see you again Maxie... and I'm Allie Novak, member of Red Right Hand." She smiled and held out her hand. I shook it..."Nice to meet you..." I said." too." She smiled." So, Bea can I please talk to you over there." Allie asked and pointed to the room with all the pots and cutlery." Uh sure Bea smiled."we'll wait in the cafeteria." Maxine smiled and we walked away.

Once Maxine and I sat down we talked for a while about Bea and Allies relationship and how boomer had her hands steamed when she hurt Liz. Everyone started coming in the cafeteria so i went to the table we usually sat in and Maxie went to get Doreen, Boomer and Liz. As i sat down Jody the fucking whore who seemed to be alone, walked towards me and sat down opposite me." So are you like, fucking Franky or something? " She asked with a smirk." No. What the fuck Jody..." i said with a shocked expression. Why on earth would she ask that?? This crack head needs help.... I thought to myself." Well she was never this protective over me... or maybe its because you cant defend for yourself. Your both fucking useless..." She laughed and swung her fist towards my face. I luckily managed to grab her arm and kick her in the stomach."what is your fucking problem!" I yelled as she bent over in pain." You are the problem.. she loved me...until you...came along....then she called it quits. The fucking bitch...shes a fucking slut.""maybe she doesn't like you because your a fucking whore who loves to get in everyone's pants and needs Jesus. Then again i don't think your worth curing...Now fuck off back to your slutty friends or ill knock you the fuck out. And if you say one more rude thing about Franky again i will torture you just like the freak did....but worse...."

" Fucking hell Stella... Franky is just using you... manipulating you just to get in your pants... are you that fucking stupid to fall for it you dumb ass. And dont fucking bring that up wonder franky chose you over me.... you both are bitches who will die in hell" Jody laughed.

" No. She's not like that Jody. Not anymore... whether she was like that in the past, that was the old her, whereas for you Jody, you will never change. You will always be the biggest fucking whore who will never stop being a pain in the ass to everyone. Everyone hates you Jody. No one gives a shit whether your dead or alive. So for the four hundredth time. Back the FUCK up and stay away from all my H block girls or you will never see the light of day again... and if you ever.... and i mean ever, spread or stir shit about me or Franky then i will kill you in your fucking i would watch your fucking back if i were you..." by the to find we had an audience..."the shows over folks, fuck off." I yelled...

Jody fucked me off big time. I miss Franky so much and i just wanna hug her and yeah i know, its only been like one night but i miss her so much. I only just realised i had been on the other side of the room from where the H block girls sit while i was ranting so i walked over to my seat and sat down. Everyone was there except Franky of course and they were staring at me like i had just bloody flew to the moon and back on a cow." Um... what?" I asked." What on earth was that." Bea asked." Oh, right... uh Jody and I were fighti-"" Yeah I know...we saw the whole thing... but i mean, since when could you fight and completely roast her.."" oh built up emotions i guess..."

" so what did jody say to make you rage at her... surely she did something..." bea asked:" well she said Franky was only being protective just to get in my pants.... and that she was manipulating me. She also called me a dumb ass and repeatedly made fun of Franky and I. Well I'm gonna go back to my cell." I said." Okay well don't get into to many fights on your way there." Bea smiled. "well as long as Jody ain't there to fight me again or this time i might have to kill her.." i laughed and walked away....

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