Chapter 19

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Bea's POV

I knew there was something going on between them... I thought as the two girls had walked out of the cafeteria." Oh my gosh!!!" Maxine smiled." I knew this day would come!"" Yeah this is great aye love." Liz replied." Hey but what about Kaz?" Doreen said." Don't worry, Franky won't let anything happen" I replied as I stared off into space.

I decided to go back to the units. Once I arrived, I walked into my cell and sat down on the bed. I'm not myself anymore... I just can't handle being top dog, especially with me and Allie as a couple now... although its still a secret. I cant risk Allies safety, she is the reason I wake up everyday. I swear to god, if anything happens to her because of me, I will never be able to forgive myself.

Stella's POV

Once we were outside in the courtyard, Franky and I sat down on the freezing cold bench."That Fucking bitch! Oh my god- I'm gonna kill her!" She yelled." Hey, hey its okay Franky... its kinda our fault for changing the cafeteria into our therapy session," I giggled." And she's, just messing with you. Just ignore her." I continued." Yeah well everyone knows not to mess with me, buttons. Including Juice and her boys. I mean, jokes are fine. I think she needs a real good beating." She argued." No one deserves a beating Franky, but hey aside from that, I can not believe we just argued about our love life in front of the whole cafeteria!" I giggled." Yeah, I know right, I mean, that was certainly something aye." She smiled. I got up from the bench and stared at the gloomy basketball court. It was around 11 so Franky and I had duties to do around the prison.
" We should probably go do our jobs." I mumbled." Yeah, come on then." She smiled and took my hand as we walked into the laundry room.


Our next duties were in the kitchen, as we were the next unit to prepare dinner. Franky had gone off to the bathrooms while I stood stacking chickens, grinning like an idiot. Once I'd finished stacking, I walked out of the pantry and back into the main kitchen area. Boomer was doing the dishes and Maxine was talking to her about her favorite breed of puppies. Franky had been gone for over 20 minutes now, and i don't want to seem clingy or anything, but she should be back by now. "Hey maxie? Do you know where Franky is?" I asked her once it had gone quiet. Boomer then rolled her eyes, while mumbling something audible to Maxine but not me." Now now, Booms... that's not very nice, I'm sorry sweetheart. I have no idea." Maxine smiled at me apologetically. I nodded and asked her,"is it okay if I quickly go find her?" Maxine nodded and smiled as I set off towards the closest bathrooms. I walked in to find a few girls in there but not Franky. Urgh where is she?... I started walking towards the unit when I saw Bridget. She had just come out of the library and was walking towards me." Hey stella. Are you settling in okay?" She asked as I walked along side her." Yeah it's been alright. Have you seen Franky?" I asked her politely." No I havent. Is she in trouble?" She asked with a look of concern." I don't know." Why does she even care..." Well I'll definitely give ya a shout if I see her."She Smiled at me and started walking in the direction of her office.

Once I got to the unit I found Bea sketching someone in her book." Hey Bea, have ya seen Franky?" I asked her," Yeah she's in her cell, is everything okay?" She looked at me with a questionable look, "Oh yeah, I just needed to talk to her about something..." I smiled as I reached her cell door, making it look like I wasn't half lying. I knocked and opened her door slightly." Franky?" I peeked in and saw her sitting on her bed with her arms around her legs, rocking back and forth, as if it is comforting her.....

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