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It's late in the morning already, a Saturday actually. I want to take a walk, so I tell my dad I will be leaving to the park and will be home soon. Yeah, I- we live with my father now. My uh mother, we found out she was with someone else... it's not really surprising. However, what is surprising is that it happened so quick. They have been separated for a few weeks... that obviously leads me to make outrageous and horrible assumptions. To her convinience though, I give her the benefit of boubt. Some other things I won't mention ever were discovered here and there, but that's neither here nor there. I am not in the mood for reading right now which makes me feel really disturbed with myself, but it's not something I can change easily so I'll just take a walk to clear things up... practicing without feeling like a complete outcast, here I can breathe at ease. Away from everything I can finally let go of the breath I felt like I was holding onto, I feel like I've been set free from the shackles holding onto my every bit of being. I let out a sigh of relief and smile; a genuine, real smile for the first time this week, or month I don't even know. I open up my hand, my Palm exposed. I look at it for a few seconds and picture a spiderweb, so elegant and graceful does the beautiful widow spider she looks while she is making her web. As I am imagining this there is slowly coming to life a snow flake in the form of the spiderweb I had been picturing. I sigh and my breath is already visible in the crisp refreshing air. The web is gone since I lost my concentration, so I just focus on my walk to the park. I feel so lonely in the company of others, but when alone I feel like..like I can finally release the tention from my shoulders. I see other people laughing and joking, but as much as I try that, I only come out in a heated argument. So, in return, I keep to myself. I hate losing control of myself, it's like I am losing myself; that of course means I can lose control of this gift I have possessed in my power. I sit by a near tree and see children playing with others children, it also brings a smile to my face. I watch them for a while, then decide that maybe I should practice. I expose the palm of my hand again, concentrate...and voila! A snowy diamond appears. This changes quickly to a heart, then to raindrop. Suddenly I lose concentration again and it disappears. Disappointed, I frown of course. I slowly look to the side and there are shoes there. "Um hello... my name is Harold. I happen to notice what you were doing and found genuine interest." Harold bashful-like says to me while smiling. How did I forget to remember I was in a public place for crying out loud! "I uh, that wasn't um anything. Nice to meet you though, Thomas." I respond nervously. My hands are sweaty and my forehead too. Heart pumping faster than before and hands shaky as well. He gives me an askew smile and tilts his head a bit. "You state that you were doing nothing, however I stood there wacthing, and may I say that what you did there just- woah. It just, I was flabbergasted..." he said finally. "Look, Harold, what you saw there was really just a figment of your imagination. Now, whatever you saw, it clearly astounded and left you what you called flabbergasted. I thank you for that compliment. I just can't accept it. I did nothing." I say as steadily and reassuring as possible. "You're lying, and you know it. I saw, you know I did. Why lie? I'm amazed and completely astounded! Why are you afraid? I won't hurt or humiliate you, there is nobody around either as a matter of fact. It's OK..." He takes a deep breath and looks at me again, giving me that same warm smile as before. I simply stare at him, how does he know I'm lying, or even afraid?! He stares right back, his stare makes me waver, and I give in. "Look, I have something special too...I understand you wouldn't just show what you did there to anyone. But, here me out ok? I vow to you that I will never under any circumstance tell or even hint someone of this gift of yours ok? Though you have to do this in return. Got it?" Harold's stare doesn't falter. I nod in response, and he sighs still giving me a smile. "Ok, uh... oh, can you hold out your hand please?"I do as he says. I might think I'm dreaming but this kid has steam coming out of his mouth! Not the normal puffs of air, it's actual steam... but it doesn't hurt me. "W-woah! How does this not harm me!? It's incredible, Harold!" I exclaim to him. Harold simply laughs in return. "I have learned to control this uh thing, a few months back. I still have yet to improve though." I look at him stunned. Have I seriously found someone who is equally as gifted?! "Oh, and please call my Harry... I'm more comfortable with that name. Which reminds me, what is your name?" He inquires. "Harry... OK Harry." I say back to him. He smiles brightly then takes my hand and I look at him shocked. "Relax, it's called a handshake dear." He tells me giving me a boyish smile that makes me blush. Oh no, so soon?! "Well Harry, regarding my name... that is for me to know and you to wonder." I replay smirking and still shaking his hand. "Hm a mystery women eh? Alright, well lovely, I hope we meet again. Here's my number, y'know... incase you feel the need to talk to someone?" I take it and smile at him. "Thanks Harry, I'll take that into consideration. I uh well do you have your phone with you?" I ask. In reply, he nods and takes it out, I believe he unlocks it then hands it over to me without hesitation. Shocked I look at his outstretched arm and back at him. "What? You asked for my phone didn't you?" He asks quizzically. "It's just that, you trust me with your phone? You just met me..." I say still staring up at him in bewilderment. "Well yeah, you haven't given me any reason at all not to trust you or even question you. So here, mystery girl, my phone is in your hands now, hope your not clumsy though. "He jokingly says to me while I take his phone and laugh a little at his remark. Wow, isn't he just full of surprises I think as I type in my contact information then hand it back. "Why thank you, I hope I wasn't too surprising though." He does a little giggle thing and I blush again. "Are you getting catching a cold? Your face is a bit red..." He says concerned. "U-um, no I'm fine really. How did you know I was thinking that?" I ask him nervously. He looks at me unconvinced but answers anyways. "Cos you said it?" I look at him confused when I realized I had actually spoken out loud. I turn a brighter red at that, then look away from him. "Is something wrong? You know I'll walk you to the corner of the street you live in or two blocks away incase you think I'm a creep or something. You seem feverish..." Dammit boy! I'm blushing you idiot!! I sigh, but I like his company and we head back to the my house, or rather the corner actually. Meanwhile, we make small talk. "So, um we are getting close...a few more blocks..." I trail off looking at the ground. "Well that gives us more time to talk, no?" He asks me with a smile. Just now do I realize he has these nice rich dark brown eyes that are just so beautiful. He holds my gaze, and I wonder what he's thinking.

I never really looked at him before

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I never really looked at him before. Now that I am doing so, I see he has this smile that I just can't even with! He just makes my heart melt with one simple smile! It's not fair. "You know, I don't want to sound like I'm desperate or a creep like I mentioned before... but you have strikingly beautiful eyes..." he says while still staring and smiling. I blush, and he sees it. He blushes too and I smile at him. "Thank you Harry Potter." I day back with a hysterical laugh. He laughs as well and I keep laughing. "I bet you were holding that in for a while huh mysterygirl?" He inquires while chuckling. "You can bet your bum on that hun!" I reply to him playfully. "Woah you are really letting loose misty." He states while he has a small smile tugging at his lips. "Sorry, I kinda do weird stuff like this when I start to get comfortable with someone..." He looks at me and frowns for the first time. "Oh no, don't you dare apologize. I meant it as a compliment...I'm glad I am worthy of gaining your trust." I look at him again uncertain if he is just taking pity or if he's genuinely saying this. "I give you my word I'm not lying. Misty is now your name for me by the way." He adds. I give him a genuine smile again in gratitude. "Look..." I direct to Harry, and he complies. My exposed palm now shows a snowy figure that resembles a spiderweb being built. His eyes wide open in astonishment and he attempts to touch and it dissolves at the slightest contact it could've had. He frowns and looks at it quizzically then looks at me again. "H-how? Or I meant why? I barely even touched it! Aw man, do it again, do it again!" He exclaims pouting at me. I laugh at his face and he does the same. "I wish I could. However it's time to bid our farewells and part for now...Harry." He looks out into the street frowning a bit, then slowly a smile starts to creep up on his face. "Yeah.. for now. I hope we see each other again Misty, I hope..." He responds to me trailing off. I offer my hand for a handshake and he accepts it warmly still smiling. We stare at each other for a brief moment then I walk off to my house. I turn back half way to my house and he's already gone. At this my smile disappears...

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't worry, it'll get better. I know there's a few errors here and there but I'll go back and correct it cx

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