{BOYS24}Han Hyunuk & Chae Hocheol

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Hello guyssss~This reques is from 🔜MoeKhin1 And its my first time making two male lead...Enjoy~and Dont forget to vote💓


"ARGH!!!I HATE YOU ALARM!!" Its morning,and I get up ready to go to work at a cute simple coffee shop name 'Candy Light' which I still don't know why our boss name it...I quickly went to the toilet for my morning routine
[A/n:Candy Light=Candy Shop + Starlight]

I quickly went to the toilet for my morning routine[A/n:Candy Light=Candy Shop + Starlight]

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I just wear simple outfit and put on a little lipbalm then done.

I walk out from my house heading to the cafe..when I arrive the coffee smell is just so perfect I bet it was my boss who make it..Han Hyunuk,he was 3 years older than me but he is too kind,handsome and talent.I have a little feeling for him but I can't cause he is my boss and he treat me like a younger sister..

"You're 5 minutes late (y/n)" Hyunuk oppa say "But.." "No but,today I will send you home" I just make a sad face but actually I'm super happy.I give him a ok sign and prepared for work.The bell ring,meaning there is a new costomer.I look up from what I'm doing and saw him,Chae Hocheol...My ex-friend,we used to be bestfriend and now we're not because he betrayed me.


After you work at the coffee shop he always come with different pretty girls.He and Hyunuk has become friend,but he never mentioned you infront of Hyunuk..some of your co-workers always say after you work there,he always come and always staring at you insert of those random girls who tried to get his attention

"(Y/n)-yah!" Hyunuk call you "Nae oppa" you smile at him. "Did you free tomorrow after school?" He try to ask you out,you look like a fool standing at there and blink your eyes and answer "Yeah why?" He started blush "Wanna go out with me?" Before you could answer a yes someone answer it for you and it was no other than him "Mian Hyung,tomorrow we have some things to do"

*Your POV*

WHAT?!WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?! "What did you want Chae Hocheol?" I ask and roll my eyes "You guys know each other?" Hyunuk oppa ask,we nod "But why both of you didnt even once mention each other" He ask and put a hand on my shoulder pulling me close.All of us silent for a while until his members who I remember is Inpyo,ChanI and Inho call him after they enter the cafe...

"Long time no see,(y/n)" ChanI say,we also friend before but I don't know why all of them leave me..alone. "Did we miss somethings?"They ask with a smirk on their face "Let's go hyung..." Hocheol say and drag his friend with him exit the cafe..."Mind to tell me what is happening now?" I nod and pull him to our cafe rooftop which only he has the key.

After telling him everythings,he pat my head and comfort me. "You know..(y/n) when I first saw you..I thought I saw an angel infront of me.When I got to know you more,I started had different feeling for you..from LIKE to LOVE.I want to see you when I open my eyes in day and night." Did..he just confess?I feel hot liquid on my face.He wipe my tears and stood up "If you didn't feel the same feeling its ok" I quickly grab his hand "Did I say no?Did I reject you?Just..give me some times,ok?" He turn to me and hug me "Ok 3 days..." He smile and exit from the rooftop..

*The Next day at school*

Today somehow I feel weird,when I walk pass everyone the boys smirk at me while the girls look like they can eat me anytime!When I enter the class guess what?Only me,Hocheol,Inho,Inpyo and ChanI. "Morning (y/n)" Inho greet me and walk pass me same as the other except him...

"(Y/n).." He broke the silent "What?" I answer cooly "I..I like you..dont say anything first..let me explain everything to you..." I nod,we arrive at the music class and he pull me to sit next to him "Remember when I first meet you?" I nod and the memory flashback


"Omma we have new neighbour?" I ask my mom and he nod "So shall I bake some cake for welcoming them?" She say yes and will help me.After baking the cake,my mom have some work so she left first..I walk to my new neighbour house and ring the bell.A boy around my age open the door "Erm..did you need anythings?" I give him the cake "Welcome to this neighbourhood,I'm (y/f/n) I live next to your house" He smile and introduce himself "Kamsahamida,choneun Chae Hocheol imida"


"You know we use to come to school together right?" I nod "Actually I had feeling for you since then...but Yoora aka the queenka,she know it.She say if I didnt date her she will hurt you.But more worst she tell me to get away from you,I didnt even think about your feeling I'm sorry (y/n).I did this because I really like you..jaebal..." He started crying,I dont know what to do just oat him head "Give me 3 days" I smile at him and he nod

3 days...3 days more...I need to find out who I really love.But I dont want to hurt any of them,what shall I do?

Author Note
Pls do choose which shall I end it with?I'm really sleepy right now,I need sleep...Night...when this chapter is upload mean I'm asleep night!!!!

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