{BOYS24}Kim Yonghyun

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Hello~I really want to publish this chapter on Yonghyun hyung birthday...and I try to finish it but can't so I just finish it on today!!Request by Jung_Eunmi

*Your POV*

Aish why Yonghyun so late...the class almost start.I though as I saw the teacher enter the class. "(Y/n)?Why Yonghyun didnt come?" My homeroom teacher ask,before you could answer the class door open "Cheonsohamida seonsaengnim,I wakeup late" Yonghyun say breathless [A/n:Jamming to Astro song]

"Finally you come..." I say as he sit beside me. "Sorry for keep you waiting (y/n)" I nod and smile at him.And we both continue pay attention on the whiteboard.

The ring bell meaning its another class time,and it's dance class which is Yonghyun favorite class and he ace in. "(Y/n) palli!!!Palli palli!we're gonna be late!!!" He yell at me as we walk to the class.As we walk someone poke my shoulder,it was our class president No Minwoo

As we walk someone poke my shoulder,it was our class president No Minwoo

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"Hey (y/n) sorry for disturbing you but..I need to tell you this..I..I like you!" That moment I feel like time is stop [A/n:Exo Tao is using his power😂lol] but he kinda look cute,I blush and saw Yonghyun walk away angrily.I turn my attention to Minwoo "Mianhae Minwoo...I actually like someone else.But I'm sure you will find someone better than me"He smile and nod.And you both walk to the dance class.Luckily both of you didnt late but somethings is not right Yonghyun is not here...he is not in his favorite class.

After dance class we have free period I saw Yonghyun at the school garden,I run but stop behide a big tree.He ditch class for her?So...they were couple?Wait no.She is going to confess to Hyunnie. "Yonghyun oppa...I like you please accept my confession" I fell a bang on my heart and run away didnt want to hear the answer.Who wont like her?She is rich,beautiful,smart & Yonghyun ideal types. [A/N:I remember the request say want it to be cute why it turn out like this?]

I run as tears filled in my eyes,I bumped into someone and only apology to him and run to the place.

*Hocheol POV*
I walk around the school as this is free period.Someone bumped into me and surprising it was (y/n) noona,wait is she crying?From this direction...she just comeback from the garden?I should tell the other.

"Hyung!Hyung!Emergency!" I shout at Hyunuk hyung.He is (y/n) neighbour and Yonghyun hyung's. "Hyung I saw (y/n) noona running and she is crying!" When I suddenly say the word crying the whole class turn their attention to me. "What?Why is (y/n) crying?" "Who make her cry?" They bam me with many question but them I realise somethings "Where is Yonghyun hyung?" I ask them "He say he went to the school garden to walk awhile" there must be somethings happen between them "(y/n) is come out from the garden...." I wrisper but enough for Hyunuk hyung to hear.He rush to the school garden followed by the others

"Yonghyun" Hyunuk hyung call Yonghyun hyung as we saw him "Wae hyung?" He ask cutely "What did you talk to (y/n) until she cry?" Hyunuk hyung ask politely "Nothing...I ditch the class so I didnt talk to her after the first class.But why is she crying relate to me?" He ask innocent "I saw her running while crying hyung,and she was coming out from this garden" He seem know the reason and run to find noona.

*Your POV*

I sat at the rooftop and cry silently...when I stop crying and I open my phone to find some songs to dance.To let out my stress...yes..I like Yonghyun...but I need to hide the feeling.I want him to happy with the person he choose.I dance to Boa's Only One...I dance while closing my eyes till I didnt reliease someone enter the rooftop.

It was the duet part I feel someone grab me to dance that part and I continue dance until I reliese who is that."Yong...Yonghyun,What are you doing here?" I ask and look away "(y/n)-yahh~~I know you saw it~Dont worry I didnt accept" He do aegyo and backhug me. "Yah!I didnt ask about it..and...why are you hugging me?" I run away to hide my blush and I saw Yonghyun is chasing me,I grab my phone and quickly run down to Hyunuk oppa class.

When I entered their class,it was beautiful unlike the old one.Since when did they become so kind to clean this class room?But I know who did this,probaly Inpyo and Inho oppa again but what is that?I say and open the computer

Since when did they become so kind to clean this class room?But I know who did this,probaly Inpyo and Inho oppa again but what is that?I say and open the computer

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A video start play and it was me, Yonghyun and others.We are practicing and joking around,a good memory but in the middle of the video the video stop at Yonghyun and he is pointing at someone to the camera and do a love and smile.Aww his smile is soo cute~I want to pinch his cheek...what am I saying.I watch care fully it was me?The one he is pointing...what..the..

"Yes it was you" He say breathless and show his eyes smile again.And he look so hot,ouh wake up (y/n)! "Why...why..me?" I ask him,he walk closer and closer until there is only a little space between he and me."Because you was special!From the first second I know you,I know I will fall you you~You make my everyday~you're the reason I come to school even I'm late,and you're the reason I'm ditching class" I look at him weirdly "Why me?" I point at myself,he then pinch my nose and laugh "Because I'm jealous Minwoo he confess to you before me!" He say with cute voice. You laugh and wanted to push him away but he hug you tightly "I wont and never let you go~You're mine!Youre the only one" You nod and kiss his cheek.He froze and yu quickly run away with Yonghyun chasing you again

Got to sleep...night....

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