Chapter Twelve: "Home"

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Song: Tear in My Heart- TOP




A burning feeling coursed through every part of his very being. It tore through him like a disease, some infectious parasite that was killing him from the inside out.

Bill's eyes shot open as he let out a silent scream of pain. A sea of black gradually melted into the blurred image of the bedroom ceiling. Dipper's nightstand took form, and he could see the mess. Books littered the floor, random tools and gadgets had been thrown from their places.

And Dipper was nowhere to be found.

Bill tried moving, only to have the pain intensify. He cried out this time, barely a squeak escaping his mouth.

A loud sound interrupted his thoughts.

A deep humming, some sort of machine.

Might be Dipper, Bill thought. He managed to push himself up, despite the pain. His body ached, and he could feel that his vessel wasn't as...sound as usual. Something had tampered with it, but he didn't know who or why.

Using whatever magic he still had, he tried to numb the pain enough so that he could move. Once he did so, he got up, leaning against the wall for support. He walked into the hallway, hoping to see the brunette.


Bill sighed softly, making his way around the debris to the stairs. Paintings had fallen off the walls, pots were broken, appearing as if an earthquake had hit. Bill gulped, becoming increasingly worried. Where was Dipper?

He got to the bottom of the steps, hearing the hum clearly now. A deep feeling of dread rose up in him. He knew it so well that it made him sick.

The worry turned to fear.

He began running towards the sound.

He stopped when he got to the same door he knew, even though it had been painted and remodeled to fit the rest of the house. He gripped the knob, turning it slowly, the sound growing louder and louder.

A staircase was on the other side of the door, the same staircase that led to Ford's lab.

He stopped at the top of the steps, trembling. The last time he'd been down here...all the nightmares he had about it...

Still, he would do anything for Dipper.

He started down the steps, each step offering more dread and fear. His legs felt heavy and the pain was returning. But he couldn't stop. He forced himself to go faster, pressing on despite the pain. He knew that Dipper was down there, and he was with William.

Before he knew it, he lost his footing, tumbling down the steps in a painful blur.


"Oh, he's alive?"

"Don't hurt him."

"No. We're all going home."

Bill could hear William and Dipper, and he could feel Dipper's soft hand gripping his own. Bill tried to hold his hand, but the feeling slipped away, leaving him with only aches and the darkness. He tried to open his eyes, and he glimpsed light, but it was blinding. William's presence was strong, although he didn't seem to be angry like he was when destroyed the wards.

He felt something cold around his wrists. Slight panic began to run through him. He opened his eyes, blinded at first, but as his eyes adjusted, he could make out the machines and tools of Ford's lab. A sickening arose when he saw William and Dipper talking on the other side of the room.

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