Tag #6

12 3 0

Well, I was once again tagged by Queen2112 who writes amazing books. Seriously, if you haven't read at least one of them then I don't know what you all read and don't. Try it. And without further ado, I'll start with the 12 question thingy. Oh and I am so sorry for the delay....

1) What colour and style of hair do you have?
Well, I have black (jet black) hair which is super short and wavy-ish.
2) What grade?
3) Best time of your life?
Ok, now this will sound very cheesy and cliche but the time I discovered the classic rock fandom. That was the day I became a fail and I have no regrets.
4) Favourite quote by your favourite singer?
'Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted,' by John Lennon. As I have said in earlier tags, it's great to remember this after procrastinating. It actually makes me feel less guilty for wasting time.
5) Favourite perfume/ spray scent?
Now it's going to sound silly, but, The body shop's Virgin Mojito splash.
6) Favourite year in History?
1965 or 1967 or 1968. Even 1966.
7) Sweet or Salty?
Depends. Salty most of the time though.
8) Do you wear makeup/ paint nails commonly?
Hell no. I hate painting my nails and make up is just pure crap. I don't have a lot of problem with some lip gloss (natural shade) and a grey or black eyeliner to make a slight cat eye look. Anything more than that and you can count me out.
9) Sports? What position? And if not, what instrument?
Sports only for fun or something which can be done alone. Hmm, I play the piano and very little but yes I do, the bass.
10) Any injuries in the past year?
Yes, but nothing too severe. Only small cuts and bruises. Oh and yes, a skinned knee right now.
11) Favourite type of alcohol if you've had it?
Well, no. Sorry.
12) Put up a picture of yourself or your feet.
Well then..... I won't. I don't wanna.

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