That dark place...

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Your POV
"Run little idiot. Run because you're a disgrace."
That day... Both the happiest and yet this turned it into the worst. I'm curled up in a corner while people that I don't recognize spit insults at me and throw things ranging from rocks to random items. They leave once I'm bruised and cut. I see everyone from the Noah clan and they look at me not saying a word.
"Unfit to be a Noah."
"You should just leave."
One by one insults and then they'd walk away until I was left in a dark room alone.
"Guys... Come back please..." I said as I cried.
"Tch." Someone scoffed.
I looked up and saw Neah looking at me with his hand outstretched to me.
"Just get up, come on."
I took his hand and he helped me up.
"Neah I-"
"Look im just helping you up. Don't take it any other way." He said taking his hand away.
"Neah...please..." I said quietly.
"Please what?"
He looked at me and smirked. He got my chin and tilted my head to look at him.
"Don't what? Don't leave? Tch why stay? Because you like me? I don't care." He said.
My heart broke and tears fell from my eyes.
He let me go and walked away.
"Neah! Neah please! Neah!!!" I yelled.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n) wake up!"
"Come on Whisley wake her up!"
I sat up quickly breathing heavily, heart beating at a thousand miles per hour.
"(Y/n)," whisley and Tyki asked.
I blinked at them and saw their worried faces.
"It was... Just a dream," I asked quietly.
"Yeah, are you ok? You were yelling really bad," whisley said.
I put my hand on my head as a pain went through it.
"Does your head hurt," Tyki asked.
"Bad dream... Yeah it hurts," I said wincing as it throbbed.
"Here, this should help," Road said as she entered the room and passed me some medicine.
"Thank you," I said as I drank it.
Whisley looked at me confused slightly yet sympathetic.
"I think bad is an understatement," whisley said.
"Whys that," Tyki and Road asked.
"Not my place to say," he said shrugging.
I was shaking so i looked at my hands trying to still them. Road hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.
"Come on guys, let's give (y/n) lots and lots of love," Road said to Whisley and Tyki.
Tyki and whisley joined in the hug but I couldn't stop shaking. I took deep breaths. It was a dream. Nothing else. None of that was true. None of it. None... Of... I started crying and they let go of me.
"(Y/n)," road said quietly.
Tyki pulled me towards him and hugged me.
"Why are you crying (y/n), don't, we're here," Tyki said ruffling my hair.
The tears kept going so Tyki let me go. Road and Tyki looked at whisley. Whisley looked at them and at me.
"I uh shhh it's ok (y/n), I promise none of it was real. We all care about you a lot. Even him. So calm down please," whisley said hugging me.
"Him," road asked.
"Shhhhh," whisley said.
Of course whisley knew, I don't care that he knows but I do worry what he'll do with that information. I cried more and stopped suddenly. Whisley let me go and they looked at me. My head began to ache horribly and I yelled as I held my head.
I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see. I could only feel the headache splitting me head.
"Make it stop!!! Please!!!!" I yelled not knowing who was listening.
"(Y/n), calm down please!"
"Come on (y/n), shhhhh."
"Where the hell is-."
My headache dulled and my hands fell to my sides. I fell back into my bed and took deep breaths. No one said anything. No one moved.
"(Y/n)," Tyki asked.
I cried and Road hugged me again.
"What's causing this," she asked.
"I'm not sure, perhaps we should get the earl," Tyki said.
"Maybe something was bothering her," whisley said.
"I'm sorry," I said through my tears.
"It's alright, shhh just calm down. We're here," road said not letting me go.
My tears didn't stop but Road let me go and Whisley helped me sit up. Road sat next to me, whisley and Tyki at the foot of the bed. I closed my eyes, tears still falling but getting less and less. My head throbbed lightly and I groaned.
"My head," I said quietly.
"Want some water," road asked.
"Yes please," I said.
Road left and I felt someone rubbing my head lightly.
"I think this would help too," Neah said.
I looked beside me and tada! Here's Neah.
"Where the hell were you," Whisley asked.
"Well I was outside, but I came back and when I did I saw (y/n)S door open, so here I am. Sorry I was late," Neah said apologetically.
"*sighs* well for the most part we've gotten her to calm down," Whisley said.
"Yes, but I am still wondering why all this all of a sudden," Tyki said.
"Just a bad dream I'm sure, they do things to you," Neah said pulling me to his chest, holding me with one arm, and the other still rubbing my head.
"Oh! Neah you're here," road said.
"Yeah, I didn't know any of this was going on but it looks like I got here just in time to help," Neah said.
He's so warm... Thinking back to my dream I cried a bit more. Neah gasped slightly and looked at me.
"(Y/n)," he asked.
"(Y/n) please don't cry," road said.

Neahs POV
I was gone when I was supposed to be here with her.
I'm sorry (y/n)...
(Y/n) started shaking and cried more. I worried and asked,"(y/n)?"
"(Y/n) please don't cry," road said.
Tyki put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head. Road understood and sat down.
"Hey come on, don't cry," I said to (y/n) hugging her tighter.
She held onto my shoulder as if afraid I'd disappear. I looked at Whisley and Tyki motioning to the door. If I was going to help (y/n), I need them out. They nodded and got the message, Tyki got road and they left, closing the door behind them.
"Alright it's just me, want to talk," I asked gently.
She didn't say anything so I stayed quiet too. We stayed like that and she gradually started to become relaxed.
"Neah..." She said quietly.
"I'm right here," I said.
How am I not supposed to love her?! She's fucking adorable!!
I laid her down and she immediately wrapped both her arms around my neck and held onto me tightly.
"It's ok I was just going to move a bit," I said using both my arms to balance myself.
"Ok," she whispered as she let me go.
"Is it ok if I lay down," I asked.
She nodded and I laid down next to her. I pulled her to me and wiped her tears away.
"Are you alright now," I asked.
"Yeah... Thanks," she said quietly.
"Don't worry about it," I said smiling at her.
She put her head against my chest and I put my arm around her.
"Please don't," she whispered shakily.
"Please don't what," I asked.
"Don't leave me alone...," she whispered shaking slightly.
"I won't. I promise," I said.
She calmed down again her eyes fluttering closed.
"Goodnight, (y/n)," I said quietly.
Her eyes opened again and she shook her head. I looked at her confused.
"I'm not going to sleep," she said tiredly.
"You have to (y/n)," I said.
"And if I have another nightmare," she asked.
I could see the fear in her eyes, whatever the dream was, it wasn't welcome in her mind.
"You won't, I promise," I said.
"How do you know," she asked.
I put my hand over her eyes and she knew what I was going to do.
"Neah, dont," she said quickly trying to pull my hand away.
"(Y/n), calm down. I promise on my life you won't have that dream again, or any other bad dream," I said.
She stopped struggling and I took the chance. Reputting my hand.
"Now, sweet dreams," I said using my technique to put her to sleep.
Her body relaxed and she fell asleep instantly. The technique I used is to put people to sleep, of course I've had to use it on her to keep her out of trouble so she knows what it did. It also insured that she wouldn't dream of anything bad but I added that right now. I slowly let go of her and got up. I moved the pillow under her head and put her blanket over her. I looked at her and smiled slightly putting my hand on her cheek. I leaned in, my hair falling over her as our lips were so close.
One move and I'd kiss her. Just one.
I backed away and caressed her cheek lightly. She smiled slightly and moved.
"Neah...." She mumbled.
I smiled slightly and moved my hand away from her and left her room. I closed her door and saw Road walking to me.
"Did she fall asleep," she asked.
"Yeah, she seems to have calmed down a lot too," I said.
"That's good! I'm glad she's finally better, I was worried sick," she said sighing in relief.
"Same here," I said.
"Neah... You know don't you," she asked, her back to me.
"Know what," I asked.
She shook her head," never mind. Night Neah!"
She left and I shrugged heading into my room. I took off my shirt and laid down. Staring at the ceiling I thought about what could have gave her such a fright. Sighing in defeat I decided to tell the earl when he got back and put an arm over my eyes, falling asleep.

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