Skip class? Hell. Yes.

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*Lemon time :33 read at your own risk*
Your POV
"I wanna nap," I said as he closes his locket.
"We're in a library, go ahead," he said.
"Actually I have a secret place," I said quietly.
"Now where would that be," he asked.
"Follow me," I said.
He got up and I walked to a book shelf, I pulled a book and the shelf moved slightly. I opened it and walked into the room. Nea followed behind me and I closed the door. Inside the room was blankets and pillows and snacks.
"Hey! Nice," he said amazed.
"Thank you," I said sitting on the couch that was already here and grabbing a blanket.
"The couch too," he asked.
"Nope that was already here," I said.
"Neat," he said.
"You think that's cool, it turns into an actual bed," I said as I turned it into a bed.
"Hey I don't know about you but I'm staying here," he said as he laid down.
I passed him a pillow and he put it under his head then got my blanket.
"Heyyyy mine," I argued.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me foreword. I let out a squealing sound and fell next to him, my arms on either side of his head and my head close to his.
"Now I'm debating whether you planned this or not," I joked.
He tucked my hair behind my ear and smirked.
"Nah I rather top, but being bottom is something to try," he said.
"Nea," I said as my face flushed.
He chuckled and said," just lay down please."
I laid down next to him and smiled.
"I love you Nea," I said.
"I love you too (y/n)," he said.
We smiled and I kissed his cheek.
"I'm glad we can have moments like these," I said.
He plopped himself up with his arm, facing me.
"Yeah... How about we stay here," he suggested.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"Skip class," he said.
"Hell yes, I don't like that boring class," I said groaning and laying down.
"Well that makes both of us. Though I think you hate it for different reasons," he said.
"More than you think," I said rolling my eyes.
"Well I'll say it again, I'm all yours," he said as he kissed me.
I kissed him back and pushed him on to his back. He looked at me confused and I smiled innocently. I kissed down his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I sucked and he groaned. I laughed slightly and continued.
"(Y-Y/n), that's enough," he groaned.
"Ok," I said.
I stopped and got up but he held me against him. I looked at him and smiled.
"Nea you look adorable," I said.
"What do you mean," he asked.
He had his hand over his eyes but there was a faint blush on his cheeks.
"You're blushing," I teased.
"Really? Let's change that," he said as switched us.
He immediately roughly sucked on my neck and I moaned loudly. He smirked and a blush went up my face. I held on to his shoulders as he continued.
"Nea," I quietly moaned.
He shivered as I called his name and stopped. He kissed me roughly and I didn't even hesitate to give him access. I moaned into the kiss and he groaned lightly.
"Damn it," he said as he stopped the kiss.
"What's wrong,"I asked.
He kissed me roughly again and I pulled him close. Trying to keep my thoughts on track I stopped the kiss and pushed him away lightly.
"What," he asked.
I looked at him and he had so many emotions running through his eyes.
"What's wrong," I asked again.
He sighed and said nothing.
"Nea," I asked.
"I need you," he said looking straight into my eyes.
I blushed and tried to tell if he was joking or not. He wasn't.
"I'm not going to force you, if you don't want to say so," he said.
I pulled him close to me and continued the rough kiss. He got the message and placed himself between my legs. The kiss got rougher so I moaned again. Nea stopped the kiss, giving us air. He sucked on my neck and I held onto his shoulders tightly. He stopped tugging at my jacket. I nodded and he took it off me throwing it to the floor. He kissed me again and pulled at my shirt looking me dead in the eye. I nodded and he stopped for a moment before proceeding. He stopped again looking at me and instinctively I covered my chest.
"You're beautiful, don't hide it," he said gently.
I moved my hands and he took off my bra. Attaching himself to one I threw my head back.
"Nea," I moaned breathily.
He did the same to the other. I whimpered slightly at the stimulating feeling. He put his hand on my waist and looked dead serious.
"(Y/n), we don't have to do this," he said.
"I want to," I said reassuringly to him.
He kissed me and I picked up his shirt as he ran his hands down my sides. Stopping he took off his shirt and threw it to the unknown corner. He slid off my pants slowly.
"Tease," I whined.
"Not even trying," he said smirking.
He threw them and I brought him into a sloppy kiss. He rubbed me through the fabric and a shiver ran down my spine.
"Hm this excited already," he asked.
"Shut up," I said embarrassed.
He slipped a finger past my underwear and pushed past my walls. I moaned and he continued his actions. He added another finger, now bother pumping in unison.
"Nea," I moaned slightly.
He added another finger and began a very slow pace.
"Neaaaa," I whined.
He slammed his fingers into me and I yelped, moaning in bliss with my head thrown back.
"Found it," he said.
He attacked that sole spot and my eyes shut closed. The knot in my stomach becoming way too much.
"Nea.. I-I can't," I moaned out.
"Go ahead," he said smirking slightly.
With that the knot came undone and my body was in utter bliss. I panted trying to catch my breath and my eyes closed. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Nea lick his finger. My face exploded into red and he chuckled. He leaned in and planted soft kisses on my lips.
"You ok," he asked.
"Y-Yeah," I said.
"Do you want to continue? We can stop (y/n)," he said.
"I'm f-fine," I said putting my hand on his cheek.
"I'm serious, I don't know if I'll stop," he warned.
I pecked his lips gently.
"Nea, it's ok. I want to," I said reassuring him.
I flipped us and slid off his pants, in the process I had brushed against him and he bucked his hips slightly.
I threw the pants to the corner and sat on the tent in his boxers. He threw his head back panting and I began to rock my hips forward and back.
"Fuck," he panted, holding my hips tightly.
I bit my lip and continued, picking up a pace. He groaned and quiet moans slipped past my mouth. I stopped and took off his boxers. I wrapped my hand around his member and he bucked his hips groaning loudly. I pumped him and Nea kept groaning. I lowered my mouth on to him and a string of cuss words left his mouth. I bobbed my head and he groaned loudly. He had bucked his hips and I held them down. I deep throated him and he moaned my name.
"(Y/n), fuck... Baby don't stop," he pleaded as he entangled his hands in my hair.
I deep throated him hard and fast making him lose his mind.
"A-Alright that's enough," he panted.
I stopped and he flipped us again
"(y/n)," he asked.
I wrapped my legs around his waist nodding. He positioned himself and carefully pushed into me. Holy fuck! He's huge! I clawed at his back and hissed in pain.
"Shit, I'm so sorry. Are you ok," he asked worriedly.
I nodded and waited to adjust. When I was sure that it was ok to move I moved my hips against his.
"Hold back or??," he asked me.
"Don't hold back," I said breathily.
He started a rough pace and I moaned loudly. He groaned putting his head on my shoulder.
"Nea," I moaned.
He chuckled slightly and said," Come on you can say it louder."
He hit that one spot and I ran my hands through his back.
"Fuck (y/n)," he moaned.
"Nea," I moaned loudly.
He looked at me and kissed me. We sloppily kissed as he continued his rough thrusts while hitting my sweet spot. He hit extra hard and I pulled away yelling his name. He groaned loudly and I kissed his neck. My stomach started knotting tightly and his thrusts became erratic.
"Nea *moans* I," I couldn't finish the sentence.
"Same here," he groaned.
He slammed into my sweet spot a few more times and the knot snapped.
"Nea," I yelled.
"(Y/n)," he moaned as well.
My vision went white and the utter bliss felt way too good. I barely registered him sliding out of me. Finally coming out of the trance, I felt lips at my neck.
"Beautiful girl," he said.
"Hm," I asked happily.
"You alright," he asked.
"Great," I said smiling as he looked at me.
He pecked my lips, eyes full of love and happiness.
"I love you (y/n)," he said.
"I love you too," I said pecking his lips.
He laid down next to me, pulling the blanket over us. I nuzzled against him sighing happily. He had his arms wrapped around me protectively, my head against his chest, and his head on top of mine. I could hear his heart beating fast and realized mine was the same way. He kissed the top of my head and held me against him tightly.
"Tired," he asked.
"Yeah, you," I asked.
"Yeah, sleep," he said.
"Think we'll wake up in time to leave," I asked.
"I'll wake you up," he said.
I closed my eyes, smiling to myself.
"Night beautiful girl," he said gently.
"Night Nea," I said as sleep took over me.

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