Chapter 19

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Lee Hyera POV

Message from 'Chan Yoda'
Baby, can we meet ? I miss you so much. I will wait for you at cafe near school on 2pm. Byeeee <3

                   I sighed. What this dude want ? Can't he leave me just for a day ? I looked at Kang Chul. Well I promised him to spend time with him today and this dude disturb me. Never mind let's ignore him.

                   I looked at Kang Chul who paid for our ice cream. I really want to be like him. No matter how hard your problem don't ever run away. What happened two days ago really kill me.

                     I'm shocked when I know what their relationship at first but I felt relief when I know everything now. They really weird and now I didn't curious anymore.

" What make you think that hard ? " I took ice cream from Kang Chul's hand.

" So are you have answer for your feeling ? Is it Chanyeol or Baekhyun ? " I stopped ate my ice cream and stared at him blankly. I told him everything and he told me if he still here, he will help me.

" I don't know "

" What do you felt when you with Chanyeol ? " he asked while ate his ice cream.

" I don't know how to explain. He used to be cold to me but when he changed now, there have feeling that I don't understand " I replied honestly.

" How about Baekhyun ? " he asked.

" Well, I really felt comfortable when he around. He always took care of me but I felt awkward since he confessed " I replied.

" Did you notice that you just answer your feeling ? " I raised my eyebrows at him.

" I don't want to explain it because it your heart. Admit what you felt and you know what you want " he added and winked at me. I rolled my eyes. He really such a tease.

" I saw Chan Yoda message you. Don't you want to meet him ? " he asked me.

             I looked at my watch and now 1.58 pm. What ? Only 2 minutes ? I looked at him asked for permission to leave. He nodded. I took my bag and exited the shop. I ran to shop near school.

              How can I be there in 30 seconds ? Wait what ?! 30 seconds ?! Gosh he really hate someone late. Please I hope I can be there on time. Luckily I wore shoes not heels or I will be in hell.

              I saw the shop and immediately entered. I tried to find him around shop but I can't found him. I looked at my watch and it show 2.10 pm. I late 10 minutes. I went out from shop.

               I tried to catch my breath first. Gosh I ran for almost 13 minutes haish. I'm done. I'm going home and I want to jump on my bed. I walked slowly. Damn my legs really like jelly now. I almost lose my balance when someone hold my wrist and pulled to him.

" You make me wait for 15 minutes and how can you just leave me like that ? " he asked and grinned at me. I smiled when I saw him.

" I'm sorry for being late " I apologize and bowed at him. He ruffled my hair.

" Treat me lunch at school later " he said and chuckled.

" Today our first date. Let's go " he jumped and hold my hand.

                He bought me to amusement park. I felt like kid right now. I pulled him to roller coaster and guess what, he almost cried when he ride. He pulled my to play carousel. We took picture a lot. I'm happy today.

                I wait for him. He went to toilet for a while. I wonder is it it throw up inside there ? Thank to him, if he didn't bought me here. I don't know when I will be here. Since I kid I want to be here.

Calling from 'Baby MinAh'

" Hello ? "

" Hyera-ah, Baekhyun accident "

I'm gonna spoil something, you guys will know who win soon. Hahahhaha.

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