Je t'aime, moi coeur.

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Dec. 31st.

I miss you. The majority of my heart wants to be with you all day. The other 2% wishes that I could.

No amount of poetry could ever describe how I feel. No amount of words could speak my feelings. I'd have to show you. The hard part is- I don't know how.

Je t'aime, moi coeur. Toujours et toujours.

French is our language.

Russian is mine.

Bad ass is yours. ;)

I don't know what you think about when I come to your mind. I might not come to your mind at all. All I know is that I can't get you out of my head. Ever. Dedication, I think. Five years? What happened to it?

We aren't strangers. You know that, I know that. We both know that. My heart misses you. I miss you. I don't know what to do now. I know what I'm thinking, I just can't put it into words. I doubt you'd want to hear them though, anyways.

In the meantime, I have a few confessions:

1: I can't sleep. Ever. If I do, I smile myself to sleep thinking about you.

2: I try and remember everything about you because I know it'll come back up later.

3: Your love is illegal.

4: When I look at you, I never want you to look away.

5: I love how you blush at the littlest things.

6: Our song? She Will Be Loved. Maroon 5. I don't care what you say. ;)

7: When I start talking about you to someone, I swear I can't stop.

8: That car, remember? ;) Won't forget it.

9: I try to see right through you. I never can. Ever.

10: We made up our own language of looks and sighs and touches.

11: I'm finding you out. ;) (Friday Night Boys? <3)

12: I write stupid love letters all the time. :) You just don't know.

13: I have a thing for swings now. Your fault.

14: Memories. I miss them.

15: I see why you like foxes. You're as sly as one.

Still out there, anonymous? If you ever read this... Tell me. <3

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