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Walking into school I took a deep breath. It's the worst day of the year for me, today is my birthday. I hate my birthday for many reasons. Hence the reason why when I walk through those school gates, I will pretend this is a normal day for me and nobody will suspect a thing. 16 today and I wish I was still 15, it's getting closer to when I have to be a grown up. As you might of guessed I don't want to grow up.

Anyway my names Lydia, and you might be wondering why I hate my birthday. Well let me tell you...
1) I hate getting presents. I know what your thinking, why the hell do you not like presents? See my dad is quite well of and I'll do jobs for him to earn money, and I am happy with what I have. I don't need anything else and I don't want people wasting their money on things I'll never use. Plus I hate surprises, literally despise them. I don't play the guessing game, just tell me.
2) I hate the attention. You know, people singing happy birthday, every one is saying happy birthday and shit. I don't need to hear it nor do I want birthday bumps. Nope, they bring back terrible memory's.
3) 2 years and 364 days ago I would of said I cant wait for my birthday. That all changed one day later when it came to my birthday. The worst thing in my entire life happened to me. A Segal ate my birthday cake. I'm just joking, that wasn't it. My mum died. And it happened to be on the day that was my birthday.

3 years ago

All my friends where singing happy birthday to me in the canteen. I was having a great day, I got a puppy from my dad and it was adorable. Plus my dad put extra chocolate in my lunch. Once the bell rang me and my friend Millie walked to 5th period which was French. Oh the joy. But before I had a chance to sit down the teacher gave me a letter to go to the head teachers office. To be honest I wasn't scared I knew I was a good kid and I wasn't in trouble so I was curious.

And I was right to be Curious because what she said to me exactly is "something has happened and it's not my place to tell you, so your dad is coming to pick you up" which made me even more curious but bring a new emotion. I was scared. I nodded my head and walked out to the front entrance where my dad was waiting and... He was crying buckets. That's when I knew something was seriously up. I went into the car starting to get very, very nervous. "Dad what's up?!" I asked frantically. He stared at me, his eyes where blood shot and he looked heart broken. "Y-your mum, erm s-she was murdered..." He said before sobbing again and I joint along.

Back to present

That day broke my heart. And my heart was never mended. Since then it's just been me and my dad. And this day haunts me, I hate it because it brings the same heart ache like it first was every year.

My way to deal with the hurt was to bottle it and from that day when I lost my mum, I forgot how to be the good girl every one knew me as and I became stubborn and nearly heart less. And... I still am but it's how I cope. I lost my friends along with the process. Do I regret how I dealt with it? No.

The experience taught me life is very short, shorter than we think and we never know when our last day will come. So I do things how I want, if there's rules I don't follow them and I'm free. I live my life to the fullest I can considering the death of my mum I've done alright. The hurt is still there but I don't want to feel it so I bottle it up and I let it float across the ocean.

So yeah, I think you might understand why now I don't like my birthday.

I moved schools a month after the incident so I wasn't known as the girl who lost as her mum and always being asked if I'm okay.

Nobody in my new school knows when my birthday is so I'm all good.

And at last I came to the green school gates that separate freedom and hell. I sigh in depression. This day has came around again, I must be un noticed today.

I walk in and as Normal no one talks to me, nor bothers me except a few judgemental glares from those who wouldn't understand, I want to be lonely. I normally arive just before the bell so I don't have to stand around waiting for class.
"1, 2... 3" I whisper. Then I listen but the bell never came. Ugh it never goes right! Then finally the bell rings. Aha the joys of school. Got too love it, right?


I wanted to set her back ground first so nothing becomes confusing later on, please vote as it would mean a lot to me. Sorry for gramma mistakes, I will sort them once done with this book. Hope you continue to read because I have some great ideas for this book! Xx

Love liv xoxo

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