Chapter 10

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I woke up with the sun shining on my eyes, I groaned. Why should the sun interrupt my heavenly sleep? I got off the bed to close the curtains, today was a holiday anyway which means no work. I closed the curtains and glanced up at the time, 8:45 am. Hmmm too early for a holiday.

I slipped into my comfy covers. No Mr Peterson for a whole day.... Yaaaay.... And that's when my eyes shot open. I was supposed to MOVE.

I jumped off the bed and and shoved all my clothes into my suitcase. Dammit...why did I have to be so irresponsible? Luckily he lived 3 minutes away from me. Some of the stuff were already packed as I didn't unpack them when I arrived here. After calling for a cab I slipped into a white baggy top and a pair of blue jeans in lightning speed.

I loaded my stuff in so much of hurry that we began heading towards his in a few seconds, well it is totally worth it actually. Hopefully he's not too mad for not arriving early.

The cab stopped in front of huge black gates lined with silver aluminium. I stared at it with awe my mouth open wide and with so much of shock that I didn't realize that the cab had left.

With shivering hands I rang the bell. After a few seconds I heard the voice of an old lady asking who I was. After a quick introduction of my purpose and intentions the huge black gates opened to reveal a massive grassland or should I say "garden". It was like the scenery I saw in the movie "pride and prejudice".

I found my feet staggering towards the doors of this mansion. It looked huge but kinda lonely and dark. a little cheering up in the place would make it look even better. I felt so out of place, like a pauper in a palace. As I reached the entrance the doors opened to reveal an old lady in her mid-fifties with a kind smile on her face and dressed in a black dress and a prominent white apron in front.

I returned the kind smile after which I was told to follow her. While my feet were the ones transporting me the rest of my whole body admired the beauty of the palace. I was led to a room with a breath-taking scenery outside the glass doors. And there sitting on a black leather cushioned chair was the monster himself smirking triumphantly.

I didn't smile back but just glared. Its better to make my grudge known than suck up to him so that he might finally get fed up and send me back to my comfy simple home. Don't get me wrong, this place is beyond amazing but the presence of a wild creature in it such as Mr Peterson just took away its dazzlement in a jiffy.

"Welcome to my home, Ms Hadley,, which in future you will be residing too. At least for the next 3 whole months.", he said professionalism lacing his tone.

My shoulders slumped in defeat and my mind internally started crying. I wanted to go back home living with THIS guy was a complete nightmare even with the fact that it's amidst the luxuries of a queen.

I found him intently staring at me. This is probably the 3rd time I have found him looking at me like that since I started working for him. it was really creepy. When he realized that I was looking back at him he broke the intense stare and looked away.

"Mrs Lacy will direct you to your room. Breakfast is served at 7:00 am as office starts at 8. Lunch at 1pm and dinner at 8. Tea is optional for you to attend and will be served at 5pm in the tearoom. I expect you to respect the rules laid out on the table in your room, for any rule breaking will have consequences." He spoke like as if it was a speech he was preparing to give.

I stared at him in a combination of horror and shock. What in the world. Am i living in a fu*king jail for me to abide to rules and regulations. What kind of person lives with a set of rules in their own house.

"Excuse me. But living with rules and regulations even at home isn't a thing human beings like me do." I spoke with anger and hatred lacing my tone.

"Well. I knew you being the unruly and ill-mannered and ungrateful you would object."-What did he mean by THAT-" and so I have arranged awards for you" he said as he drew out a puzzle piece from his pocket.

"This is your reward. You will be given one everyday depending on how well you abide to your rules and regulations. There are 50 of these pieces. If you manage to get all of them within less time you are free to return back to your apartment with no restrictions. But if you fail to get these pieces in 3 months you will be asked to leave the company and most probably you won't be able to find a job in any company in the United States which will pay you or take you in for a job you deserve for your many hard earned qualifications due to my commands." He said grinning completely satisfied with the results which was me staring at him wide mouthed helplessly.

I had no choice but to give him the hardest glare I have ever given anyone and grab my suitcase and storm out the room. I guess I gave Mrs Lacy a hard time keeping up with me coz she was breathless by the time we were at my room door. I felt sorry for the old lady.

"I'm sorry Mrs Lacy. I just couldn't control my temper." I apologized giving her a kind smile.

"It's okay dear. Master can get on peoples nerves at times and show no sympathy. But trust me that's just because he was shown none." She sad giving me a sad smile and her eyes seemed to be thinking back to a long time ago.

I followed her into my roo- more like apartment coz what I was currently facing was in no size of a room. It had a master sized bed which looked like the ones in princesses rooms in the movies, there was a magnificent dressing table decorated with shining stones, a walk-in wardrobe, and a glass wall which separated me from the most beautiful scenery I have seen in my existence of 26 years.

I couldn't help but stand in front of it and look out with my breath at my throat. I stood for so long that Mrs Lacy had already left my suitcase and excused herself from my room. I changed into a white dress that went down to my knees and had sleeves that went up to my elbows with floral patterns on them. It gave me a cheerful boost, which was what I needed right now.

I sat down on the bed to get some rest after unpacking my stuff. I needed to get back to my apartment to get the rest of my things, well actually I left them there on purpose because I had no intention of staying here for too long. Ill somehow manage to get those darn puzzle pieces and get the hell outta here.

As I was going on scheming plans to get out of this place a small booklet seated on the table beside my bed caught my eye. I walked over to find out that it was the "Rule Book" he was talking about and this time I didn't internally groan but groaned out loud.


I laid on my bed thinking about the recent occurrences. I didn't feel alone anymore. The feeling that there was another human being living with me kinda brought up my spirits. Okay maybe I was a little too professional with all this rule book and puzzle pieces, but professionality and orderliness is something I grew up with, so I can't be blamed. Such things were what kept me going.

 Besides I'm her boss and I don't want my P.A treating me like a friend or anything other than a boss just because we live under the same roof, I have had enough of slutty P.A's do that before even though they weren't living with me. By company I just meant- company...nothing that includes friendship or any of that crap. Friends always betray each other. 

I did have a few friends in the past but they were never genuine. They were just after my money and fame. It made me get so frustrated that I completely gave up on the topic of friendship. After all Heidi was the only proper friend I ever had.

But again she looks familiar, so familiar that it keeps on bugging me. She even caught me staring at her today trying to figure out who the hell she was. Ugh I'm gonna go crazy trying to figure out. Well anyway she's just here for a short while. Frankly I called her in for a few days so that I may have some company and after which I can enjoy or more like get back to my normal routine.

 She's just one of those other crazy bi*ches who live life to satisfy themselves and only themselves. Though I may be doing that right now I have a valid reason ...uggh whatever I'm just going to get some sleep.

"Maybe I can even annoy her more tomorrow...this is going to be fun." I thought a smile forming itself on my face. It just pleases me so much to see that annoyed look on her pretty face-wait WHAT....did I just say pretty. Puhlease I have seen waaay better.

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