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I have to tell them. At least one of them. I can't keep this to myself, it's a huge secret!

But I can't, Avia is my best friend!

Was your best friend Bexley, remember, she lied?

I have to tell one of the squad members. If I don't, than I'm going to go nuts!

I grab a post and start listing split the post in three ways; the first slot is for the squad members name. The second, is the pros, and the third is the cons.

First, Jaedyn. Pro, she will be calm about the situation. Con, she will be annoyed at Avia that she didn't tell us.

I roll my eyes and chuck the post-it in the garbage. What's the point? She lied to me anyways.

I pull up the group chat and start to type.

I can't do this.

I sigh and put away my phone. Avia wouldn't do this to me, she would hide it with her life.


I sigh and stare at the wall.

Everyone in the group chat is probably texting away, and Bexley is probably talking about how I'm a 'liar.'

They're probably ranting about the newest episode and how they had to kill of Judith.

I made a huge mistake. I should've never told Bexley.

@/Wxlkingdead: u probably don't believe me

@/Wxlkingdead: but I am a butler

@/walkingdea.dd: I can't

@/Wxlkingdead: why not? I know it's hard to believe someone that says that, but it's true

@/walkingdea.dd: ok if it's 'true' than send me a video of Daxton going I love fajitas

@/Wxlkingdead: ok? why fajitas?

@/walkingdea.dd: Bc fajitas are life duh

"Dax! Come here!" I yell. Daxton runs into the room with Brock right next to him.

"You actually want to play?" Brock asks. I shake my head.

"No, but Daxton can you say 'I live fajitas?'" I ask. He nods. "1,2,3." I count him in.

"I love faheeeeetas!" He screams. I smile and send him and Brock away.

I send it in and my stomach is in knots.

@/walkingdea.dd: ok I kinda believe u

@/Wxlkingdead: kinda? What else do u want? My brother, dog?

@/walkingdea.dd: I want u to tell the squad that ur Avia

@/Wxlkingdead: no why the hell would I do that?

@/walkingdea.dd: Bc if u don't and I will

My heart stops beating. Im done, now everyone is going to know I'm Avia butler.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and a new chapter coming soon!-Kiki✌🏻️

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