Chapter 5

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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you miss me? :P

Anyway on with the booketh you tripe!



Thank you for commenting and making me smile:

lucicfightclub, kasen_lily, shabzshabi, istillwantfood, idc_anymore37 ,Chrissycao, CheekyKylee, stayhappy12, PRIYE_DREW_BIEBER, charlotte75614, queenofthecrazies, krissy0914, izzyfizzy1905, shelbe6252, bubbly2013, connorjessupfan1, obeybuzolic, Magret004, AsianToaster, breathetolove, annie_banni_boo

Edited: 04/08/14

'Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses' Lao Tzu


Chapter 5

I looked over to look at Alex who was still driving; his white shirt outlined the tattoo on his left arm which went from his left wrist and rose until it disappeared into his sleeves. The ink was a vivid jet black and looked fresh. I wanted to reach out to see if it was as fluid as it looked. For some reason an image came in my head. I saw an image of Alex on top of me, I could imagine myself slowly tracing his tattoo with my fingers and then replacing my fingers with my tongue. I bit my lip as my cheeks flushed. I struggled to stay still. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a smirk appear on Alex's face.

“See it's impossible for you to resist him” my wolf said arrogance laced her tone.

“Personally I give it a week before you fall to his feet and beg him to take you and I mean that literally”.

 I shushed her and sunk into my seat embarrassed I looked out the window as I realised it would be harder than I thought  to stay away from Alex.


Alex parked his car into the school car park. The sun's rays illuminated the grey worn out building that seemed dreary compared to the surroundings. There was a bike rack positioned outside the entrance of the school and the concrete of the floor had 'Eastwood High' printed on it in a vivid red colour.

Lounging on the stairs of the school entrance I could see Izzie and Jake making out while Michael and Mia were fighting (as usual) and Clara was sunbathing, with her eyes closed and her face positioned to the sun. Her scarlet hair was spread around her. I quickly got out of the car and closed the door as quietly as I could. I hid between the cars in the car park, as I wondered how I could avoid being seen with Alex.

Before I had even taken a breath I felt Alex's hand grip my arm. My face rose to his, as I saw the clear annoyance  on his face. He glanced over to where my friends sat and then looking at me.

He let go of my arm and gave out a sigh, his hand swept through his hair as he looked confused, as if he was stuck in a predicament. Looking back at me he gave me a slight nod of his head. I understood what he said and smiled at him, he was shocked to say the least but he covered it up by smiling back. His carefree smile lit me up inside like a flame, and made him seem like an innocent boy. But it was soon gone when he placed a pair of sunglasses on his eyes and his smile grew into a smirk as he looked at his surroundings. He strutted away from me and headed over to the back of the building where he would probably be meeting his friends, he moved with ease and as if he knew I was watching him he turned back and winked at me from under the sunglasses. I looked around as I saw other girls admiring him; this caused a low growl from my wolf who didn't want anyone looking at her  'man'.

Man!  What was wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking about Alex like this; after all I did reject him.

Pulling my bag onto my shoulders I carefully made my way over to my friends weary, in case they had spotted anything.

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