The Work Place

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Once I got to work I could hear my boss, Mr. Sourit screaming at his ASK-phone.

"... this is unacceptable Kayle, let me talk to Operator please!" screamed Mr. Sourit.

"I'm sorry but Operator can't be reached at the moment. He is dysfunctional right now. Would you like some calming music for your wait?" asked ASK.

"How can I stay calm in this monstrosity?!" screamed Mr. Sourit.

ASK then started playing the piano version of The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. I heard Mr. Sourit throw his phone and the overhead speaker clicked on.

"Due to a mysterious occurrence you all have the day off. Don't worry, you'll get payed," said Mr. Sourit. I was still curious about what was going on so I stuck around to eavesdrop on his conversation with his ASK-phone. Mr. Sourit's phone stopped playing music then a different voice came through the speaker.

"Operator speaking," said the voice

"Yes, all of my workers including me are experiencing blindness. Now I have to let all of them take a paid vacation until it's sorted out," complained Mr. Sourit.

"I am sorry sir but I'm afraid no one can help you at this moment."

"What about Leader, or is everyone experiencing this?"

"There has only been ten people who have not reported this incident. It is the Wise Ten. If you want to know more about them you can talk to Kayle for a bit about them."

"Okay Operator, thank you for the information."

No, thank you I thought. Before Mr. Sourit could discover me eavesdropping I left work and once I was out of the building I activated my ASK-phone.

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