Saying goodbye

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It's the last day of your summervacacion. You and C/N have been together almost every day of the summer. Also today.

C/N is leaving tonight to go to a different school, almost 2 hours away. And you hated it, but did everything you could to seem happy for him. He originally wanted to go to school with you, but he didn't get in.

So today you guys made your last summer memories with eachother. You went to a gokart track and afterwards you went home to your place.

At your home the first thing you guys did was cuddle in your bed. You spent hours just laying in bed and talking and appriciating your last few hours together. 

C/N started getting hungry so we made dinner and took some dessert afterwards. It was really yummi.

Later on that night C/N got a call from his parent, saying he needed to get ready to go. You were tearing up and felt pain in your cheat as you realized that you now wouldn't see him for a long time. He gave you an out-numbered amount of hugs and tried to make you feel better. But it wasn't working. You followed him to your door and waited with him.

He saw how sad i was and you could tell he felt bad. Out of the blue you see C/N starting to go really fast in to your bedroom. Shouting strict to me that i was not allowed to go inside with him. So i waited in the hallway. I thought he was just going to take some candy from my candybox, but he wasn't.

When he got back from my bedroom he took my hand and led me to the front door. He cupped my cheeks and looked me focused in the eyes. Saying "When i have left, you are going to go in to you room and lift up -not move on the bord, just lift right up- a magnet from your whiteboard. Can you do that for me?" I nodded. He smiled at me and then kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes.  "Goodbye sweetie. I'll see you soon. I promise" he said. I just nodded again. Getting out a simple "Bye" inbetween some small hulks. Then he left.

As i watched him getting in the car i remembered the Message he said. There was something on the whiteboard. I walked to my room. On the whiteboard there was written "Goodbye" with a heart after it. I lifted up the magnet he was talking about and saw a little note. "I LOVE YOU" was written under it. My heart melted right there.  I love him too.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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