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Days pass and I finally found a way how to avoid Travis at school! I locked myself in the janitor's closet. Just kidding. I honestly don't know how I did it. I really don't care (I seem to say that often).

Today is Friday. I meet Nicole and Dante at the lunch table. If you haven't noticed already, I don't usually eat lunch at school. I really don't have that much of an appetite.

"Hey guys," I say with a smile.

"Hey," Nicole says as Dante does as well.

"So how's things been going with Travis?" Dante says with his little, evil smile.

"Stop asking me things like that! I'm not interested in Travis! He's a dorkish little flirt that can't keep his mouth shut even if the world depended on it," I say angrily.

"Geez, sorry," he apologizes.

"I don't forgive you," I say and turn while crossing my arms.

Boys are so complicated. They don't understand why and how a girl is annoyed by things. They always say we're 'overreacting' or 'too sensitive'.

We're girls. We can't help it.

I turn to Nicole, whom has a smile on her face. She probably noticed that the anger was wiped off of my face.

"Heyy, Katelyn," I hear a familiar voice behind me. Oh no.

I turn to see Travis, who else, close to me. Closer than usual to be exact. We were only about 12 inches apart.

"Mind if I sit here, beautiful?" he asks and winks at me.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, dork."

'Dork' has come to be my nickname for him. He doesn't seem to mind.

"Okay," he says and plops right next to me. "So what about prom, you guys?"

Dante, Nicole, and I just kind of stare at him in confusion.

"That's not for another month," Nicole states.

"Yeah," Dante agrees.

I just sit there, listening to the conversation.

"What? We can't prepare now? A month will fly by before you know it," Travis says and looks at me. "Especially when you're having fun."

"Seriously, Travis?" I say.

"Yes. I'm very serious," he says sitting up strait, puffing up his chest.

"You're never serious," I argue with a smile.

"Hey, I could be serious if I wanted to!" Travis argues back.

"Right," I could hear the sarcasm in my voice.

"You're not even married yet and you're already arguing," Dante kids, but it makes me mad.

"Dante! For the last time, I. Am. Not. I repeat, NOT. Attracted to Travis, and I never will be," I storm off into the hallways. I just decide to get ready for my next class.

Dante likes to tease. Travis likes to flirt. Nicole is always nice. And I am supposively, quote on quote, 'Overreactive and have anger issues', or as... Jeffory... Said.

I'm totally done with this! I can't stand people like Dante assuming I like Travis. He'll start spreading rumors about it, and I don't want rumors. I want everything to stay nice, clean, and in its place. Don't change anything.

Later. . .

I got home from school. Thank Irene it's Friday. I'm really not in the mood for homework right now. In fact, I'm never in the mood for homework. I don't think anyone is.

My phone buzzes. Buzzes a few times, so I pick it up. I don't know the number in the screen, but I answer anyways.

"Hello?" I say.

"Heyy, Katelyn," I hear that familiar voice again.

"What do you wa-" I paused. "Wait. How did you get my phone number?" I ask.

"It's simple, beautiful. I just asked Dante," Travis says, I can tell he smirked. I don't know how, but I did.

"Okay, what do you want?" I ask, very annoyed.

"Just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the party tonight?" he says.

"What party?" I ask, laying on my stomach on top of my bed.

"You didn't know about the party at Dante's place? Well, it's tonight," he says, happy to invite me.

I totally forgot about that. I wasn't going to come though.

"Oh, that party. I wasn't gonna come."

"What?!" Travis nearly blew my eardrums out. "Why?!"

"Travis!" I yell.

"What?" he asks.

"Never mind. I just don't want to come to the party. Parties just aren't my thing," I say, calming down a little.

"Don't worry, beautiful. I'll be there to keep ya company," he says, clearly flirting with me... again.

"I'm not coming," I say.

"Please," he asks.





"Ugh! Fine, I'll come to the stupid party," I finally end the argument.

"Great! Pick you up at 7," Travis says and hangs up not giving us a chance to arrange things.

"Why me?" I ask myself.

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