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Donny coughed up blood, he wasn't smiling anymore. "Dang kid, is there any stopping you?" he chocked. He kept slurring his words due to his broken jaw. "I don't have time for small talk, tell me where my wife is or else" I threatened. Donny closed his eye and sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you everything" he said. I leaned in close to listen better. "Steve did plan to stay on planet Genta before we headed out to planet Kurt. But he decided to stay on planet Major, just in case you were still alive. I see why he was so cautious".

I sunk the blade deeper into his eye. "Wheres planet Major?" I growled. "It's right next to this planet, but I'm pretty sure Steve already know your coming" he answered. I took the knife out of his eye and stood over him. "Is that all?" Donny asked. "No, how'd you end up like this?" I asked. Donny sat up with one arm. "Ugh, after you and your crew destroyed my business and parts of my body the Kurt came and picked me up. They used their technology to give me artificial parts but I wasn't the same. Few days later Steve approached me and asked me to help him kill king kurt and I'll get my revenge, so I did" he said.

I grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him up. "One more thing, how'd Steve manage to frame me?" I commanded. "I don't know how, but he managed to clone you" he answered. Clone me? Is that even possible? No it can't be. If Steve had someone as powerful as me on his side he'd be unstoppable. "Stop lying, tell the truth" I yelled. Donny chuckled "you know for someone whos faster than the speed of light your pretty slow, if Steve wanted Shekra would be dead right now" he said.

I frowned and threw Donny to the ground. "Dont wanna tell the truth huh?" I said with pure anger. My bracelet started to steam and vibrate. Looks like it's time to empty it out. I pointed my arm at Donny. "What are you doing?" he asked. I looked him in his eyes "making sure I never see your face again" I said. Suddenly a bright light shown from my bracelet. The light was so bright it blinded us. But I didn't close my eyes, I looked at Donny as he was burnt to dust.

After my bracelet was stopped glowing I was standing in a large crater. Whoa, usually when I empty this thing out I fly into space first. I didn't know it was powerful enough to destroy a few blocks. Hope no one was around. I flew back to the hotel where the Kurt were staying in. The Kurt ship that was there was long gone now. I scanned the area and seen two Kurt soliders sitting at a bench. I landed in front of them and looked at their helmets.

"Where were you two this whole time?" I asked. Martin took off his helmet "waiting for you" he said. Keys than took off his helmet "where have you been?" he asked. I dropped my jaw in surprise. "I was fighting Donny" I answered. Martin started to take off the Kurt armor. "Donnys alive? Should've been easy for you to beat him" he said. I scoffed "yeah thanks for the help" I said sarcastically. Keys was now putting his own helmet back on his head. "Sorry Zack, but I did figure something out while you were in the mist of battle" he said.

"Turns out Steve and Shekra aren't on the planet" Martin told me. I rolled my eyes "duh, I already know, do you guys even know what planet he's on?" I asked. They looked at each other in confusion. I slapped my forehead in frustration. "He's on a planet called Major, its close by" I said. "Planet Major? But that planet is inhabited by a hostile alien race" Martin said. "Uh yeah, the Kurt" Keys laughed, Martin rolled slapped Keys lightly on the back of the head. "Ow what the heck" he complained. "No you dope, the aliens that lived there are hostile, it'll be to dangerous for Steve to be there" Martin said.

"I don't care, Shekra is close so im going, are you coming or not?" I asked. "Wait, we're going into enemy territory on a hostile planet on the assumption that this Donny guy was telling the truth?" Keys asked with a hint of fear in his words. "Since when did you become such a scary baby?" Martin asked. "All I'm saying is what we're doing is sucide". I chuckled "trust me Shekras worth it" I said. "Lets get to the ship I brought" Martin said as he walked away. "No" I said grabbing his arm.

"Whats wrong?" he asked, I tightened my grip on him. What Donny had told me was replaying in my head. you know for someone whos faster than the speed of light your pretty slow, if Steve wanted Shekra would be dead. I couldn't waste anymore time. "I'll take us" I said, Martin looked at me with a confused expression. "What?" he asked, I than grabbed him and Keys and pulled them close to me. "What are you doing?" Keys asked. "Hang on" I said. Than we blasted off into the atmosphere.

"WHOOOOA!!!" Keys yelled as we went up and left the planet. Once we broke the atmosphere I sped up. Don't worry Shekra Im coming for you, I'll do whatever it takes even if it kills me.

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