1: Grace & Hope

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Hope's P.O.V:

"Hope, honey, will you take these cookies to the new people next door?" Mom asked as she carefully placed the chocolate cookies on a clean plate. 

I groaned as I paused the Wii game I was in the middle of.

"Do I have too?" I asked. 

I could hear my mom sigh from the spacious kitchen. 

"Yes, you do, Hope." 

I rolled my eyes, "Chill, mom. I'll do it."

I got up from the white leather sofa which was placed in the middle of the living room on a white fur carpet. It truly disgusted me but I learned to get used to it. I walked slowly into the kitchen dragging my feet. 

"Hurry up, Hope." My mom said in an annoyed and impatient voice.

"Fine." I snapped back taking the plate with cookies. 

"Be careful, Hope." My mom warned looking me directly into my eyes with her brown ones. 


Everyone had gotten used to my behavior, no one really cared anymore and my mom just went along with it even though when we had guests she pretended I was the sweet little child with charming eyes and smile. 

My mom opened the wooden oak front door for me so I wouldn't drop the plate of cookies. 

"What do you say?" My mom asked. 

"Whatever." I mumbled. 

Before she could say anything else I rushed down the gravel steps and opened the huge black gates. Our house was the only house that actually stood out on Oakwood Street. It was all white with no stains or neon graffiti painted over it, the fences were tall and strong unlike the picket fences and we had two Great Dane's guarding because my mom thought it was needed. I held the plate in the palm of my hand as I rang the brown doorbell. I could see the paint peeling off it. The squeaky door opening snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"May I help you?" A lady looking in her thirties asked me looking down at the plate of cookies. 

"Uh, my mom baked these for you." I replied with my sweet girly voice. 

"That's very kind of your mother." The lady answered. 

I shrugged, "Well, actually our cook, Laney baked them. My mom bought the mix though or was it Casey? I'm not sure but I hope you enjoy them." 

"Oh... Well I've noticed you live in a pretty big house compared to the others around here." The lady said. 

I shrugged again, "The one in France is way bigger." 

"Well, thank you for the cookies." The lady thanked me. 

"No problem." I answered. 

I handed the plate to her and began walking back to the house. I always liked embarassing my parents about our house. And it's going to be funnier if they come over for dinner.

Jay and Hutch greeted me warmly as I opened the gate. 

"Down, boy." I ordered as soon as Hutch jumped on me. 

I almost fell because of his weight, it's not my fault he's ten times the size of me. 

My mom opened the door. 

"Did you give them the cookies?" She asked. 

I nodded before pushing past her and returning to the living room to resume my game. 

"What the hell mom?!" I yelled. 

CNN was on. 

"What, sweetie?" My mom asked innocently walking into the living room. 

"This!" I pointed to the flat screen T.V. 

"Lorey told me they were showing interesting news." My mom replied. 

"Well, too bad. Now get me to level 17 again." I ordered, my jaw clenched. 

"It's not the end of the world, Hope." My mom said. 

"I don't care, you're fixing my game." I shouted even though she was in the same room as me. 

"Look, I'm sorry, Hope." 

"I don't give a--"

"The Packers game is on!" My brother, Alex exclaimed plopping on the sofa and switching the chanel to ESPN.

"You'll regret, Joyce Christina." I gritted before pushing past her.

Grace's P.O.V:

I admit, the house is way smaller than the one I used to live in back in Florida. There isn't even a balcony and the windows are too small so how am I going to get vitamin D from the sun? 

"There's a girl about your age next door." My mom said peeking her head through my bedroom's doorway. 

"Whatever." I mumbled. 

"Grace, I know you miss Lexi and Keira but I'm sure you'll make new friends here." My mom tried reassuring me.

"Canada sucks and so do the people here." I replied sighing as I threw my stuffed animal, Bear on my bed. 

"We'll be able to have a fresh start here, Grace." My mom answered in a sad voice. 

"When will I be able to visit dad?" I asked. 

"When he settles in. Maybe during the spring or winter break, we'll see." 

I sighed, "Fine." 

"You should get some sleep, don't want to get jet lagged." My mom laughed a little. 

"I guess." 

"Oh, and, I'll bring your boxes upstairs." My mom told me before going back downstairs. 

I sighed as I looked at the framed picture of Lexi, Keira and I which was on my night stand. I turned off the small lamp right next to the picture. I can see Canada doesn't get a lot of sunlight here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2011 ⏰

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