Cracks In My Plan

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Lydia POV

I laid in bed looking down at my now really defined baby bump and saw cracks. I ran my hand over them and sighed. I guess when women get stretch marks I get cracks course of me being made out of clay underneath my skin. I grabbed some clay that Persephone gave me and I spread it over my stomach, like you would with coconut butter, and sealed my cracks. I don't know how much longer I'm going to able to keep him or her in.

"You need to stay in and keep healthy little one," I said breathing heavily as the baby kick sending a tiny crack up my stomach.  I grab the clay and applied again, "Mommy's not ready for you yet. So please be patient my love."

My eyes darted to the door as I seen it open. Persephone stepped in and smiled at me.

"How are you feeling today, " she said as she came over and sat by me.

"Well I haven't been getting sick but now she's cracking me open," I said as I showed her.

"Well just keep covering them with the clay," she said to me and I signed as I covered them with clay again.

"What's wrong my dear," she said studying me.

"It's just I have no idea how I'm going to be able to get us both out of here," I said stifling a cry.

"We will find a way any day now Andrew should be here and save you from this place," she said with a hopeful smile, "then you will be a proud mother to a beautiful baby."

I smiled at the idea of Andrew holding our child when this is all over.  I nodded my head and she left. I looked out the window and prayed to my mom.

"Mom please make sure Andrew gets here soon I don't know how long baby girl is going to wait, she will be here any day now,  please hurry," I said then went to sleep.

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