Chapter 4

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JJ, Spencer, and Henry got off the plane into Florida's airport. It was a big airport with lots of space. Even though it was busy, it did not seem crowded.
JJ couldn't stop smiling. She was happy that she was in Florida. Especially that she was with the two people she loved most; Henry, and Spencer.
"Did you want to get something to eat? We can't check into our hotel for two more hours." Spencer said to JJ.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Then she turned to Henry. "Come on, sweetheart. We're gonna go get something to eat."
"Ok!" Henry ran up to them.
Spencer picked him up and put him on his shoulders.
As they were walking to the exit, a women saw them and came up to them.
"You look like a cute family." The women said smiling.
Before either JJ or Spencer could say they weren't a family, they remembered that they are supposed to be an undercover couple.
"Thank you." JJ said, smiling back.
Then the women walked away.
Spencer and JJ exchanged happy looks and kept walking to the exit of the massive airport.
"Do you see the exit, Henry?" Spencer asked the child on his shoulders.
"Yeah! Over there!"
"Ok, thank you."
Spencer pointed to the exit for JJ.
"Thanks. Oh hey, Spence, what restaurant did you want to go to?"
"I'm not quite sure. What did you feel like eating?"
JJ gave a little laugh. "Spence, right now, all I want is coffee."
Spencer smiled. He smiled at the ground, and then, at JJ. JJ looked up at him. But then, by instinct, when their eyes met, they both looked away.
"Henry, what did you want to eat?" Spencer asked Henry.
"McDonalds, please!"
JJ and Spencer laughed.
"Alright. We'll go to McDonalds."
JJ was smiling. She just loves the way Spencer treats her son. He treats him like his own.
"Spence would make a great father one day." JJ thought to herself.
"Spencer! Mommy! Look at the fountain!" Henry pointed to a big fountain where they saw people throwing in some coins.
Spencer put Henry down and handed him some coins.
"Take these coins and throw them into the fountain one by one. Every time you throw one in, make a wish. Ok, Henry?"
"Ok, Spencer."
So Henry took the coins and ran off.
Spencer and JJ walked in the fountains direction slowly.
"Are--are you ok?" Spencer asked JJ with a concerned face.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Spence. Why?"
"Well, I've noticed that you've been very quiet, and--and know that you are going through a rough time, but I also know that it's not ok, or healthy, to keep your feelings inside, to yourself."
JJ put a hand on Spencer's shoulder.
"Thank you, Spence. But really, I'm fine."
"JJ, I'm-- I'm worried about you."
JJ moved closer to Spencer and leaned on his shoulder.
"Listen, Spence. The reason I'm fine is because I'm with you. At home, with Will, it's just fighting, all the time," she looked over at Henry who was tossing coins into the fountain. "I want what's best for Henry."
Spencer smiled, not knowing what else to say.
"Come on, hun." JJ called to Henry.
He came running up to them, and Spencer put him on his shoulders again.
After walking through another group of people who just got off a different flight, JJ, Spencer, and Henry finally reached the exit.
"Well," said Spencer. "I guess the case starts now."
JJ nodded. And in her head, she thought, "This is going to be the best case ever!"
There were many taxis and cabs driving past and picking people up or dropping people off at the airport. Luckily, Spencer was able to get JJ, Henry, and himself a cab.
"Where to?" Asked the cab driver in a cheerful tone.
"Uh, the nearest McDonalds, please." Spencer answered.
"Let me guess, for your son?"
JJ smiled at Spencer as he answered, "Yes."
The cab pulled away from the busy airport.
"You guys look like a cute couple." Said the cab driver.
"Thank you." JJ answered.
"You got a cute son, too. So, where are you guys from?"
"Uh, Quantico, Virginia." Said Spencer.
"Wow, pretty far from here."
"Yeah. We work with the...." Spencer stopped to think. "Government, so when we get days off we like to take a vacation."
JJ was just listening in on Spencer and the drivers conversation. She could only see the driver from the back, but she felt as though she recognized him.
The cab pulled up at McDonalds.
"Here you are. Oh, uh, that would be $36.49, please."
Spencer handed him two twenty dollar bills and said, "Keep the change."
JJ helped Henry out of the vehicle. When Spencer got out, JJ asked him a question.
"Hey, Spence?"
"Did you recognize that driver?"
"No, I don't think so. Why?"
"Oh, I uh, I felt like I did."
Spencer smiled. "Maybe your just hungry. Come on, let's eat something."
JJ took Spencer's hand as they walked to the McDonalds entrance, with Henry running not to far ahead of them.
About a half an hour later, Henry was playing in the playground while Spencer and JJ finished up eating some fries.
They were talking for so long, they were talking more than eating.
"So, um," Spencer said nervously. "If we are posing as an undercover couple, shouldn't we act like an actual couple? Like, I don't know, but, I mean, we don't have to but-"
"What do you mean, Spence?" JJ asked smiling.
"I don't really mean anything but, I mean, couples hold hands and--and kiss and-"
JJ smiled at him. "Spence," she said laughing. "Not now. And not here, at McDonalds!"
They both laughed at that comment. Then Henry came back to the table and sat on Spencer's lap.
"Ready to go?" JJ asked the two boys.
"Yeah, mommy."
"Our hotel room should be ready by the time we get there." Spencer said.
JJ got up, so did Spencer and Henry.
They left McDonalds and got into a different cab.
After a little while, they pulled up at the hotel, paid the driver, and grabbed their bags.
"Thank you." Spencer said to the cab driver as he closed the door.
JJ took Henry's hand, Spencer walked beside them.
They walked inside and entered the lobby of the quite large hotel their boss had booked for them. Spencer walked up to the desk.
"Excuse me, I have a room booked under 'Hotchner'?"
The women behind the desk checked a computer.
"Your room will be ready in about five minutes. If you want you can just sit over there."
"Ok, thanks."
Spencer walked over to JJ and sat down beside her. Henry was looking at a Florida map on the wall.
Spencer held her hand. JJ felt his hand touch her own. She looked up at him and smiled.
"It may only be a weekend, but it will be the best weekend of my life." JJ thought to herself, sitting beside her undercover boyfriend, holding hands with him, tightly, not letting go.

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