Chapter fifteen

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Pov Dick

We pulled up to a park on the far side of Gotham. It was empty mostly but had a huge tree I. The middle with names carved in. Y/n took off her helmet and pulled me over to the tree, and jumped on a branch and started swinging from it.

"The doctor said that you shouldn't do that." I warned her. She looked at me and stuck out her tongue.

"Oh so that's how you wanna play?" A small smirk appeared on my face when I said that. I ran towards y/n cradling her legs and her head as she fell into my arms. She looked at me and pouted.

"That's not fair! I wanna swing from the tree like a grown up!" She play pouted I just rocked her back and forth like a small infant.

"awe, little n/n you know better!" I said in a baby voice while rubbing her chin I
Looked deep into her e/c and leaned in. I brought her closer to me and our lips met.

I slowly stood her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We let go and stare deeply into each other eyes again.

"Isn't that against the law? To make out with an infant?" She asked with a smirk on her face, I laughed then sighed.

"I don't know... Good thing your not an infant then." I replied while twirling her around and dipping her. She looked shocked but happy. I brought her up slowly and was about to kiss her but my cell-phone started to ring. I continued to hold her closely and answer the phone.

"Master Richard, Master Bruce would like to know where you are." Alfred said from the other side of the phone.

"At a abandon park, what does Bruce need?" I asked as calmly as possible. There was still a sun and clouds that haven't set yet.

"Master Bruce would like to talk to you, now Master Richard." Alfred said in a strict voice.

"But it's not even sundown!" I whined while standing y/n straight and holding her hand.

"Now Dick." I heard Bruce say in the background.

"Be there in five minutes." I sighed while stomping my foot.

"Make it three." Bruce replied and hung up.

"Three minutes then." I said into the disconnected line. I hung up and got in the front while y/n sat behind me. She hung around me tightly.

"Why is Bruce mad?" She asked at a stoplight that didn't seem to turn any other color than red.

"Probably something serious Y/n." I said while pressing on the go pedal. Soon enough we arrived at the Manor. I parked my bike into the shed and ran inside the Mansion. I saw y/n going up the stairs, and Alfred walking towards me.

"Come with me Master Richard." Alfred said while leading me to Bruce's investigation room.

"Dick, I said three your back In Two." He said with out looking up from a news article.

"Didn't want to be late." I lied while going back and forth on my heels.

"Don't you or y/n leave this house tomorrow." Bruce said while getting up and going towards a book. I followed.

"But how is that going to be safe?!" I asked while throwing my hands up.

"I have a better chance hiding in Gotham then to hide in here Bruce." I raised my voice a little but brought it back down.

"We're going to have this house on lock down. No one can get in, no one can get out." He said and walked back over to his desk and started reading.

"What about Jason your just going to lock him out? What if Slade finds Jason and brings him here to trick us of coming in? I mean like the guy has a face mask Bruce, a face mask." I said while turning my back to Bruce and covers every part of my face to inmate red hood.

"We took care of that." Bruce said with a blank expression. As soon as Bruce said that your heard Jason yelling at Tim and Damian.

"How are you going to lock down the batcave?"

"I'm not. Nobody knows where the batcave is except everyone in this house except y/n, and Barbra, Cassandra, and Stephanie." He said while looking for another book.

" it what made you think about doing this now hmm?"

"Every moment your unprotected he's closer of finding you and taking you away from us." Bruce said while patting my back.

"Okay..." I said while exiting the door.

"No patrol for me tonight." I whispered to myself and went to my room. I turned off all the lights and looked out my window, just now getting dark. Damian, and Tim and Bruce are going on patrol and I'm home. Great.

I turned on my tv and looked at the news. I fell asleep shortly after.

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