Calum hood fic?

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This was done a little more recently and I wrote a shit ton for it but wattpad deleted it and I couldn't be assed to write it again. I probably will at some point but whatever so instead of making a new book out of it I just added it here.

It was Friday when he spoke to me for the first time. It was 3:43pm, last period, maths. I was sat at the back of the classroom headphones situated in my ear and mingling with my hair trying to be discreet, pen in hand as I doodled all over my worksheet. God knows what miss was talking about.

Something was thrown on my desk. A small piece of paper. I paused for the slightest moment to glare at it as if was the reason it was there, then continue with my Doodle.

Next it was a light tap on my shoulder from my right. Fucking hell, did I look like I wanted to be bothered? I rolled my eyes and just continued ignoring the smartass that was situated on the table across. Being sat in the top set of maths, in your last year, GCSEs right around the corner not getting a word of what was happening was not something you wanted to be inflicting onto others education, though the moron didn't seem to get that as he chucked his pen at the side of my head hitting my earlobe.

"What do you want?" I hissed, swinging my head round in a matter of seconds to glare at the curly haired boy that was now in eyesight. He had the decency to smile at me as if he'd done nothing wrong.

"Do you not give a shit about your learning? Seriously?" I said my voice rising a few octaves when I got no response.

That was when his smile began to falter.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted help, as your page is covered in," leaning over the gap between the table to look at my work, "Damon salvatore?" A questioning glance was laced between his features as to who the beautiful being was.

Blushing and groaning loudly simultaneously i bit back, "None of your goddamn business." I was leaned more towards him at this point when Mrs Ballard spoke up.

"Ms Teras, Mr Hood. Care to share with the class what would be more important than the passing marks to your upcoming exams?" With crossed arms, her and the whole class turned around with expecting looks. Of course 'Mr Hood' to my right had something to say about the matter as he seemed to be looking rather smug.

"I was just wondering as to who Damon salvatore was miss as that seems to be the only thing that's written on Mika's sheet." A disapproving look was shot at me from Mrs Genova at this new found information.

"Oh really Ms Avalon? Well please do stay behind after school and we can have an hours long discussion on why it's unacceptable to have Damon salvatore all over your GCSE revision worksheet." Groaning, quite upset with the fact that some asshole I had never even heard of, had just dobbed me in and got me an hour after school. I glared at the boy, noticing his name was Calum from the label that was peaking out form the back of his blazer.

I scoffed turning back round to draw pictures of this said Calum with add on horns and unattractive features.

The time had gone pretty quickly from then till the end of the hours detention I had managed to get myself. I was starting to pack my stuff up when Mrs Genova clearly more understanding of my lack of knowledge at the mean time called my name.

"Mika, before you go. I'd like to,recommend something?" Now this I didn't like the sound of. I had heard of miss' recommendations before and they were always told to be batshit crazy. What could she simply have in mind that would interest me?

"Erh, sure. Okay.." I trudged my way to the front of the classroom my navy blue shoulder bag packed right with all my school necessities.

"Now as you said earlier, you find it a hard environment to work in my lessons, am I right?" Okay...

"Yes." I spoke with hesitance.

"See I wouldn't be able to move you down a set as you are too close to your end of year exams but what I can do is I can get you a, tutor, per say," the look on my face probably didn't look too happy as she began to explain her reasoning, "they would be from this class of course and I would probably choose a few applicable students right for your train of work and you would be able to choose." Hmmm, sounds reasonable.

"Though, Mika, if you were to turn down my offer I would have to make sure that you're getting solid B+'s by the end of term otherwise I will be forcing a tutor upon you." Wow. Yeah. No.

"Nah, it's okay miss. I'll do good without one, but thanks anyway. If it's only a B+ then that shouldn't be that hard to try and achieve." Smiling, I smoothed down my black jumper and left the room not really knowing how hard it really would be to to try and achieve a B+.

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