Badboy Ashton Irwin fic

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Ah so this one I had a couple of chapters for and I think either deleted cause I didn't like them or wattpad is just a cunt. Anyhow, this piece of writing is just meant to be me stating kind of a blurb kind of the plot line or what you need to know kind of about the story.

where a midnight dare brings two people together, not knowing that being so similar could cause a difference...

Ashton stumbles in through Georgias back fence whilst trying to hide from some girl who happened to be chasing him down the street.

Georgia was calm reserved and everything Ashton wasn't. He was the notorious fuckboy that everyone in town knew him for.

Though Georgia has a tough past and a lot of secrets that no one seems to notice but Ashton. On of these being he catches her smoking in her back garden in very revealing clothing that probably shouldn't be worn by the girl who happened to be completely and utterly in love with the schools heart throb, she certainly was meant to be classy and this didn't look like she was.

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