Bringing Home Lil Scotty

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GUYS I ABSOLUTELY ADORE ALL YOU GUYS. Here's another chapter. And it's a Scotty Shot!

Avi and Kevin stayed a while at the hospital after the birth of Scotty.

"Ok hello is everyone ready to go?" the nurse asked.

"Yes we are." Avi said.

"Ok well I have some discharge papers for you and Scott." the nurse said.

"I'll get Scott all settled." Kevin said getting Scott.

Kevin took Scott and put him in his carrier (above) as Avi sighed out.

"Ok ready to go, Avi you will have to go in a wheelchair." the nurse explained. "Avi take it easy, no steps all the time, resting and making sure your incision site is clean and not infected."

"Yes ma'am." Avi said siting in the wheelchair bought for him.

"You'll also have to carry Scott out." the nurse said.

"Oh Kevin I'm sorry." Avi said.

"It's no big deal, I'll put his seat in the car and bring it around." Kevin said unbuckling Scott and putting him in Avi's arms.

Scott made soft baby sounds in his little outfit all in his little blanket.

They wheeled Avi down to the front where Kevin was waiting.

"Come here Scott." Kevin said  putting Scott in his car seat.

Afterwards Kevin helped Avi in the car then went home.

"Kevin, he is so perfect." Avi said as he drove. "I love him so much."

"I love him too babe." Kevin said.

They finally made it home where they were greeted by all their families and friends.

"Guys!" Avi exclaimed surprised.

"Hi Mommy!" Todrick said hugging Avi lightly.

"Hi Goddaddy." Avi said.

"Where is my god baby?" Todrick asked.

"Right here let us come all the way in." Kevin said lifting Scott's carrier a bit.

They let them in and help Avi sit down.

"Grandparents first." Avi said sitting.

"Where is my grandbaby?" Shelly asked.

"Here you go." Kevin said handing Scott to Shelly.

"Awh hello Scott." Avi's mother said.

"Say look grandma." Kevin said removing Scott's hat.

"He has blonde hair!" Shelly exclaimed.

"Yes he does." Avi said.

"Oh that's great, nobody else in out immediate family has blonde hair, not at least her kids." Michael.

"God Bless this fairy child." his mom said.

"Let me see." Curline said holding out her hands.

"Well hello my first grandchild, let you have a wonderful life as you grow up with two amazing fathers." she added.

"He could be the next doctor in the family" Kevin's dad said.

"Maybe...or he could be a singer like his godfather." Todrick said.

They gave Scott to Todrick.

"Hello Scotty." Toddy said. "I will steal you away every chance I get."

"He'll be staying with us." Jesse said.

"For days because we will be the best Godparents ever." Todrick said.

Scott whinned.

"Oooo ok ok." Todrick said looking at Scott fussy face.

"Come here Scotty." Avi said opening his arms to receive Scott.

They give Avi, Scott who snuggled up immediately.

"Ok Mama's boy." Todrick says sassily.

"Leave him alone, he's just comfortable, and probably hungry." Avi said.

Kevin passed him a premade bottle.

Avi feed Scott as everyone watched and cooed.

After Scott burped, his little eye peeked open.

"I see you Scott." Avi said. "Are you peeking at me?"

"Oh wow his eyes are gray." Micheal said.

"Yeah for now at least." Kevin said. "They are gonna change in a few weeks."

Everyone stayed and talked for a while before they left the new family alone.

"Scott are you sleepy?" Avi asked as Scott yawned.

"Bed time for both Mommy and child." Kevin said helping Avi upstairs to his bed while putting Scott in his bed turning on the baby monitor.

"Good night Scott." Kevin said kissing the side of his head. "Welcome home."

Kevin joined Avi in bed who was already asleep.

"Good night dear." Kevin said kissing the side of Avi's head turning off all the lights.

AND DONE. Well so next one is Scott POV. Hope you liked it. Please leave a comment.

Until Next Time~ Mindly_Insane

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