1. The swap

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"But you'll do it? Oh please, Lily, I'll die if I have to go through with it. You are my last, my only hope."

Lily Cosgrove looked at the distraught, tear-stained face of her cousin Betsy. She was pale in the candle-light, her eyes dark hollows from sleepless nights. Outside the wind howled and a tree rattled against the window panes.

It was a wild night for a wedding.

But wilder still was Betsy's plan. For Lily to swap places with her, and marry the unknown man who was coming that night to save her family's honour. He had never met either of them: how was he to know if a substitute Elizabeth Cosgrove stood before him at the altar?

Lily wanted to help her cousin but she was conflicted.

"What if we were discovered? Would it even be a valid marriage?"

"I am sure it would. Oh, Lily, if I am forced to marry him it means I can never, ever be with Tom. I simply couldn't bear that!"

No thought was given to Lily's own fate, but then she had never enjoyed the same expectations as Betsy. Orphaned and penniless, her uncle had reluctantly taken her into his household, avoiding spending a farthing more on his niece than required.

Lily didn't care if Sir Robert was cold and indifferent to her, for she loved Betsy and was grateful for a home. She reminded herself that he was her father's only brother and had done his duty by her.

So the two girls grew up together, Lily a year younger than Betsy. They had been happy enough. But then Betsy had her first Season - there were no such plans to waste money debuting Lily in Society - and met the Honourable Tom Farrington.

She had allowed herself to be seduced by him, and worse, got caught in flagrante delicto. The less-than-honourable Tom had bolted to the continent at the first opportunity, leaving Betsy bereft.

Although it soon became apparent that there wasn't going to be the complication of a child, Betsy was nonetheless ruined and her family's name tainted with her.

Darkness descended on the household. Invitations were cancelled. Weeks followed of furious silence from Sir Robert and hand-wringing and recrimination from Lady Maud. She even managed to cast blame on her niece though Lily hadn't even been there. Not being out in Society, Lily had never even met the infamous Tom Farrington. But her aunt was too distraught to acknowledge this. How could her beloved daughter have had this happen to her? Others must surely be at fault!

The servants, well aware of everything that had gone on, remained tight-lipped but they cast one another glances and Lily knew they must gossip about the scandal behind closed doors.

Poor Betsy. One foolish mistake and she carried all the burden of censure and condemnation. And despite Tom running out on her she still adored him. She was still convinced he would come for her, though Lily feared this was very unlikely.

Then a surprise offer of help arrived. Tom's cousin, the Marquess of Westford, had written to Betsy's father proposing marriage to save her family's honour. A very private man who rarely left his country estate, he had expressed shame and embarrassment at his young relative's actions and wished to make good the situation.

Sir Robert was only too glad to take him up on his offer. The marriage would be held in the chapel of his own home. He and his wife were away at the time the correspondence took place. Lady Maud was taking a "rest cure", unable to bear the proximity of neighbours and staff who knew all about their dishonour.

"We will remain at Buxton due to my wife's condition. It is desirable that this event takes place with the least delay," Sir Robert wrote.

He preferred to distance himself from the entire affair and his daughter's disgrace. If in time her reputation was redeemed in the eyes of society, he might again acknowledge her.

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