The beginning of the ending

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Here I am. Here I am with all my friends, on our way to school for our last day in high school. In less than 3 hours, we'll be done. Done with homework, drama and early mornings for two months. For two months we'll be free and alive. Life will get easier and so much better. In two months we will experience things that none one of us ever experienced before. We will discover things, places and feelings. Nothing can get in our way to what we want. For two months, there will be no rules. Because rules are only written to be broken. Broken by us.

We have a plan. A list, to be more specific. Everything we want to do during the summer is written down that list. We'll do everything we can only to achieve our goals, one by one. We want to have something to tell. We want to tell the world that for two months, we are invincible. If everything goes as planned, we will be.

But as you imagined, there's one thing that didn't go as planned, that I didn't anticipate. That during those two months, I would fall in love with you.

Summer 2016, June 22 nd, Montreal

It is the beginning of the ending. I feel like in two minutes, when the bell will ring and announce the end of the year, it will also announce the beginning of the summer. The beginning of everything.

I turn around to look at my best friend Lauren, who still has a pencil in her hand trying to finish the exam, and I look at her. She has no idea that in two minutes summer will be knocking at our door. Probably because she hasn't look at the clock once, since the beginning of the exam. Looking at her face, I know that she doesn't have any clue of what she's writing about. Surely because she didn't study. Well no one did. But she was very nervous this morning. I can always tell when she's nervous. Her leg can't stop jiggling, just like right now. She's probably disturbing the girl sitting in front of her, because her leg constantly touches her chair.

I look at my right to smile at Layla who was already looking at me. She smiles with so much rebellion in her eyes. Like she is just waiting for that bell to ring to go wild. I like the idea of going wild, so I give her the same look saying that I was ready for everything that she would initiate me this summer.

I turn to my left to look at Marissa. She was staring outside, lost in her thoughts. As always. She's the most lunatic person I've ever met but I like that about her. She thinks a lot and that helps the other ones that don't think at all. Marissa notices that I was looking at her and smiles at me raising her right eyebrow. That face only means one thing. She knows that in two minutes we'll be out of this jail, as she likes to call it.

The one thing you should know about me is that I love my friends very much. They are the biggest part of my life and without those girls, my heart would constantly be half empty. Or half full for the optimist ones. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't live as great if they weren't there. And I love to believe that I'm a big part of their lives as well, because you know, I'm a funny girl. With me, it's all about fun. I hate drama and I always try to stay away from negative people because they only make your life black. I love black on my clothes not in my head. Well, my hair are black, but you know what I mean. I don't need that shit.

When I think about it, my life is a lot cliché. Well, my summer is about to be what every teenage books are written about. Sex, parties, love and of course a To Do List. When I say sex, I mean not for me. I am a virgin with no boyfriend. So I guess it will stay like this for a while. But I love to think that it won't. I'm a old virgin, you know. I'm sixteen turning seventeen this summer. At this age, virgins are almost extinct. Luckily, the " sixteen turning seventeen virgins" species will keep surviving because of me. But this summer will be all about changes. You never know what's going to happen. I'm an unpredictable girl. As much as I also get surprised by my actions, sometimes.

Summer will start tonight at my friend Alice's place. As I'll get a little bit tipsy I will be able to tell you if those two months are going to be awesome. Probably, you know, we are a fun gang. But you can always tell by the first night. Well, in my case at least. Tonight, we'll be hanging out with boys from another school. You should know that we are in a girls private school. With the uniforms and all. So you can guess that boys are welcome any time with us. Specifically, when there are tequila shots and beer pong involved. Those are our favorite nights. But tonight is a little bit different. We have never hanged out with them. I know those guys by their names and their photos on Facebook but that's it. I think I heard that my friend Sandrine, that we all call Sandy, knows one of them and I think they are kind of something. I'm not sure. I'll be able to tell you tonight I guess.

One thing that I have not told my friends about is that I'm kind of hoping I meet someone tonight. They always talk about how much fun is going to be to have new boy friends. I really don't want to disappoint them by telling them that I want a little more. I want a boyfriend. All of my relationships with boys have deeply failed. I guess I never had that feeling when you fall in love with any of those boys. I want to know what love is and as much as I can try, it's not working. It sucks because it's not like I have not gotten the chance to make it work with someone. There have been couple of guys who's shown interest in me, but that interest have never been given back. I really wanted to give that love back but that's not how it works. I can't decide who I'm going to fall in love with. I think it's the beauty, but it's an unfair beauty. Anyway, I'm not going to bother my friend about it unless I really do meet someone tonight. And if I do, I won't be the only one because Sandy got herself a man as well.

One minute to go and you can see everyone is staring at the clock, counting the seconds left. It almost feels like that scene in high school musical when everybody is shouting "summer! summer! summer!" but here no one shouts anything. But I can tell that everyone is thinking it. So yeah, basically it's not really the same thing but you know what I mean. The feeling is the same and that's what counts. I turn around again and Lauren is done with her exam. She's chewing on her pencil really nervously. She sees me looking at her and stop immediately chewing. She smiles doing a peace sign with her hand and for weird reasons her nervousness seems to be gone. I guess her peace sign really did give her peace. Haha lol am I funny or what?

And the moment I've been waiting for the whole year have finally arrived. The bell rings. Suddenly all the students throws paper in the air and they start screaming so loud. We dance around all hugging each other and the teacher is giving us a big smile saying " Yeah students! You made it! " . Lies. I wish. We just got up and out of the class without saying anything.  The teacher even looks more mad than normally. I don't know what bug bit her because me, Rosie, I am walking on clouds right now. It's summer for goodness' sake! I can't wait for tonight and all the nights that summer will give us.

Little first chapter to let you in the mood of my story. I hope you liked it and I just wanted to say that this is based on my summer and my life. So most of the things I write are true. Love you, please tell me if you liked it!

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