Chapter 5

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- I didn't hire you to seduce her!

- I am not seducing her! Alexandra hissed. I have a work ethic. Furthermore, I already have someone in my life. Amelia and I are just getting along as friends. Nothing more, I can assure you that your Highness.

- This is not very convincing.

- I know what I'm doing, Alexandra scowled. I'm a professional.

- Then act as one! Clarisse spat. I believe Lionel has given you the latest instructions so I expect you to be fully prepped for tomorrow, even if it's sooner than we thought.

- Yes, he did, and I will be.

Clarisse sat on a bench to pull herself together. She needed to cool off her boiling anger and stress, everything was happening so fast but the opportunity was here. They had to do it, it was too late to back out.

- I hope you will find a discrete way to neutralize her. I won't let her destroy what I did for Genovia, Clarisse said.

- I will do my very best but you know the terms of the contract. I only strike when the time is right and if I have to do it publicly then I will, Alexandra explained.

- Everybody could see you, Clarisse said, puzzled

- Amelia is— Alexandra stopped and took a deep breath. This is my last assignment, after that I'll disappear, she said more harshly than she thought.

Clarisse studied Alexandra's face before speaking.

- You may have someone in your life, but you do care for her more than you should.

Alexandra didn't reply, too busy to clench her jaw like she was biting the obvious answer.

- I am sincerely sorry it has to end like this, Clarisse added with sadness. Then I suppose it comes with your job.

- No. This is the first time I let myself... Alexandra sighed then squared her shoulders. I was trained to not feel. So I will do my job and go away.

At that Alexandra left Clarisse alone on her bench, and went back to the castle. Clarisse sighed deeply and looked at the full moon.

- What did I do?...

Amelia didn't seem to find sleep. She was turning in her bed restlessly. Too much was happening and even if she was tired, sleep wasn't coming. She had a lot to do the next day but her many thoughts kept her wide awake. The list she made in her head was turning over and over again.

The decision concerning Genovia's investments would be a major change but she had to do it and it was in everybody best interest despite some Parliament members' disagreement; the threat over her head was even more pressuring as the letters came in every day; her children would take a plane to San Francisco at night to go for who knows long; Alexandra. Alexandra...

Amelia got out of her bed. She needed to move, to do something. She just wanted to get rid of her thoughts and maybe ice cream would help. As she opened the door to get out of her suite, she saw Alexandra in the hallway, walking quietly. She must have been working out again as she was in her sweatpants and that damn white tank top.

- Hey ginger, Amelia called without thinking.

Alexandra stopped dead in her tracks, and turned around very slowly. She was frowning and didn't seem happy with the mocking nickname. Amelia didn't care, she even raised a challenging eyebrow, leaning comfortably on the door frame. Alexandra started to walk toward her in a predatory slow pace.

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