The Dance

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Madi s POV- 

When we arrived at the dance everyone was gathered around in three big circles but we didn't really care so we went straight in to the hall to start the party. As soon as we walked in a whole crowd of boys started shouting something.

"WOOOOOT SHE IS SOOO CUTE" they said to Mackenzie

"OMG SHE IS HAWT" they said to me!!!

" MMMMM I LIKIE!" they said to Emma

They said other things to Abbey, Madi I and Ella but a long fair haired guy started chatting up Abbey so she punched them in the face.

1 hour later-

OMG a i had such a good night and it is still going.

Emma POV-

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH Cameron Dallas was at the dance and he asked Madi I out then he said he liked Madi S more and dumped Madi I and was following her round like a puppy dog she said he was FUGLY cause he is and he is still flirting with her. Abbey also got asked out but she punched the dude and Mackenzie got asked out by Cameron Mcevoy and she said no even though he is crazy about her! I got asked out by Mack H and Mackenzie got sooo angry that she slapped me with her toothbrush and yelled out...

 " My Aunt jimmy went speedo shopping for the big television that was eating a bean burrito while singing old yeller on a road to Mexico!"

This has been soo crazy and Dylan is here as well!!!

3 hours later after the dance-

Madi POV-

The whole group is fighting because our dream boys showed up and went for someone who did not like them! It was sooo unfair. Then Izzy came out of nowhere with Dylan and started to chat about how he took her to the most romantic place in the world.......HUNGRY JACKS! We were all crying when our Dream Boys came out on the stage and got in a line behing the microphone. They had everyones attention so they started

"Madi S will you go out with me.....even just for tonight???!" Cameron Dallas said wistfully

"FINE ONLY IF YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME ROUND LIKE A DOG SNIFFING ANOTHER DOGS BOTTEM!" Madi S said angrily as she vomited from looking at his FUGLY face.

"Emma, Will you go out with me and hopefully be my wife....or at least for tonight!" Mack H asked.

"I DOOOOOOOOOO........DODODO" Emma said enthusistically. Mackenzie was angry! 

" Macca....I...Will you go...OUT WITH ME" Cameron M

" Only if you cover your face with a paper bag and draw Macks face on it!" said Macca.

"ISABEL.....Wil my wife!?" shouted Dylan from nowhere! 


So they got married there and then but then Cameron wanted to be with Emma and when they said will you kiss the bride he found Emma grabbed her by the neck and passinetly kissed her till they needed a breath otherwise they would die. Then everyone got kissed by a boy they wanted. Cameron M with Madi I even though they hadn't met. Mack and Macca kissed for a while  but then Mack said he had to go on his 2 dollar private plane to Rio cause he forgot his blue baby teddy bear and Madi got kissed passinatley by a guy called Jackson (NOT BARLING OR ROGERS!)  who was really HAWT!!! They all ended up getting MARRIED AND HAVING KIDS.

THE END..................................FOR NOW!!!!

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