Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Warnings: None that I can think of

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin

A/N: hi again i am mentally ill and want to die

She followed the figure all the way down the rocky steps until she was right at the bottom of the cavern, and then stuck close to the large cliff's edge as she tried to catch sight of the figure again, confused as to where it had slipped off to. She considered using some artificial lighting before realizing just how insane that idea was: firstly, it would lead the creature directly to her, and secondly she couldn't even summon any light with this much dark magic around her. She felt rather suffocated.

She rounded a corner, still peering around cautiously in the dim light, when there was a sudden and piercing pain in her neck. Merlin gasped, then screamed as she realized what was happening, flapping her arms uselessly to try and push the vampyre off her. Her magic had been so heavily dampened by its dark magic that it was barely a flare inside of her soul, not even a shadow of the fire that it usually was.

So, defenseless without her magic, Merlin did the only logical thing she could: she screamed, as loudly and for as long as her lungs would let her. The sound grew weaker as the pain in her neck increased and the numbness crept in, her life's blood draining from her. She hoped that somebody would hear her, and come to save her. Damn, she hated being the damsel in distress. Arthur would never her live it down...if she did live.

She let herself go limp in the vampyre's grip, flopping back against his body as if she was dying and all the strength had gone from her body. It seemed to work; the vampyre sucked a few more precious gulps of blood from her neck, and then dropped her. Merlin flinched as she went down and forced her body to go limp as she hit the hard surface, a shockwave running through her entire body.

There was blood trickling from the holes in her neck still, small amounts with everything considered, but even the tiniest of amounts were essential for her staying alive right now. She willed her magic to come back to stop it, but with the vampyre still in the proximity, no amount of willpower was going to work. Her magic was in her soul, not just in her body.

As the vampyre slipped away, further and further into the night, Merlin felt the small flicker of her magic return to her a little at a time, and gradually she felt the amount of blood lessen and eventually she even felt new skin closing over the holes, sealing the wounds that had been inflicted upon her.

Her magic flooded her being again, giving her renewed strength, and she struggled to stand, using the cliff wall to support herself. She gingerly prodded at her neck, feeling slight bumps but nothing else.

With shaking legs, Merlin somehow managed her way back up the stairs in the cavern, and then conjured a weak ball of light that was barely enough for her to see. But it sufficed, and Merlin crawled up the stairs to the main floor with the orb hovering in front of her. She reached the top of the stairs and promptly collapsed onto the ground, wheezing and panting at the effort. She let herself drift off into sleep, just for a little while, and the orb extinguished itself.

A/N: please end my suffering

or give me some anime to watch that works too

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