Chapter 4 - Route 666

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Cutlery scrapes against the crockery, sizzling coming from the kitchen outback, mindless chit chat filling the space of the gas station diner. I wait by the register, looking down at my phone. It's been awhile since John last texted me and I'm getting a little worried.

"Here you go sweetheart."

I look up from my phone and see the sweet elderly lady behind the counter placing down the tray of coffee and bag of pie. I put my phone away and smile gratefully at her, "Thank you. Have a wonderful day." I say, taking it all.

"You too." She says as I turn and make my way out, ignoring the stares from the pervy men in the booths.

Stepping out I see Sam looking at Dean confused as he goes to the driver's seat. Dean glances up at me before looking back at Sam, "I just got a call from an old friend. Her father was killed, she thinks it might be our kind of thing."

"What?" Sam whispers and Dean nods, "Yeah, believe me she never would have called, never, if she didn't need us." He says, climbing into the seat.

Sam and I exchange a look before Dean calls out to us, "Come on, you coming or what?"

I walk to my seat and climb in, dumping the pie on the seat beside me. Soon enough the car rumbles to life and we drive off to our new destination.


Classic rock filters quietly through the speakers as I lay back against the door with my eyes closed. I'm not quite asleep, but close to getting there. We've been driving for hours now and I figured I'd get a couple of hours while I could.

As I lay there I hear Sam speak up, "By 'old friend', you mean...?"

"A friend that's not new." Dean says simply and my interest is peaked.

"Yeah, thanks." Sam says sarcastically, "So her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her."

"Didn't I?" He says after a pause.

"No." Sam says and Dean's tone switches to non chalaunt, "Yeah, we went out."

"You mean you dated with somebody besides..." He trails off and I feel myself begin to wake up more.

"Am I speaking a language you're not getting here? Dad and I were working a job in Athens, Ohio. She was finishing up college, we went out for a couple of weeks." Dean explains.

"And?" Sam presses but Dean doesn't answer.

"Look, it's terrible about her Dad, but it kind of sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do. Which, by the way, how does she know what we do?" Sam questions.

Dean remains quiet and I feel a sense of jealousy begin to come over me. Sam speaks in a disbelieving tone, "You told her, you told her the secret. Our big family rule number one: we do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica. You go out with some chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything? Dean!"

"Yeah, looks like." He answers.

They remain quiet for a moment before Sam speaks up once more, "And how do you expect she's going to take this news?" He asks and I know he's talking about me.

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