Chapter 27 - Death Takes A Holiday

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Walking out from the bathroom of the diner, I walk over towards our table where Dean eats his burger and Sam looks at the laptop. Things between our little trio have gotten rather tense filled, different cases bringing out different sides to our little family. There is some tension between the two boys, a case with a siren causing them to both say things that were particularly hurtful to one another. They try and act like it hasn't affected them but it has. This in turn has made it all awkward for me, being dragged in the middle to act as a buffer.

I walk over and take a seat beside Dean as Sam speaks about a case he's found from Bobby, "Small town in Wyoming, no ones died in the past week and a half."

"That so unusual?" Dean asks.

"Well, it's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls out of hospice, another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch." Sam explains.

"Capped in the ass?" Dean asks and Sam sighs, reading from the screen, "'Police say Mr Jenkins was shot in the heart at point blank range by a 9 millimetre."

"And he's not a donut?" I question.

"Locals are saying its a miracle." Sam states before looking between us, "It's gotta be something nasty right? Maybe people making deals or something?"

"You think?" I ask and he shrugs, "What else would it be?"

"I don't know." I shrug and Sam turns to Dean, looking down at his burger, "Get that to go."

He begins to pack up and I rise to my feet, but notice Dean doesn't move an inch. Sam turns back and see Dean still in place and his raises his eyebrow, "What?"

"You sure you want me going with you?" Dean asks and I let out a breath and fold my hands over my chest.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, I don't wanna hold you back or anything." Dean says with an attitude and I rolls my eyes, gritting my teeth.

"Dude, I've told you a hundred times... that was the siren talking, not me." Sam says, getting frustrated, "Can we get past this?"

"Yeah, we're past it." Dean says unconvincingly, dropping the burger to his plate and quickly paying for his meal before stalking out to the car. I let out a sigh and shake my head, knowing that this is going to be a long case.


"Now you three said you were bloggers?" The man asks, taking a seat at the dinner table.

"Yes sir." I smile and Dean adds on, "All of God's glory fit to blog."

Sam shifts in his seat, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table, "Some of the people around town are saying what happened to you was a miracle."

The man nods like it's obvious, "It was, plain as day."

"How can you be so sure?" I question.

"How else do you explain it? The doctors can't." He says before gesturing to his chest, "There is a bullet in my heart, it's pumping like a piston."

"Well how do you explain it?" Dean asks.

He looks between the three of us before glancing back to the living room where his wife plays with his daughter. He turns back and looks down at the surface do the table, "Look, honestly... I was nobody's Saint. Not exactly father of the year either... But when that guy shot me and I didn't bleed a drop, I just knew the Lord was giving me a second chance."

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