Chapter 1: Luke?

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Reader's pov
       As I walked around Camp Half-Blood, I felt depressed and avoided everyone, including my friends and siblings. I couldn't eat or sleep. It was hard on me ever since Luke left the camp. I would go out of the barrier and go for a walk to a dock near the lake. I sat down on the dock and put my feet in the water. The wind blew into my (h/l) (h/c) hair, I felt like someone was staring at me, I pressed the charm on my bracelet and out came my bow and arrows. I pointed at anything that I could think of that was watching me. I heard a rustling up in the leaves of a nearby tree. "Who's there? Show yourself." I yell. But no one shows themselves or answers. "Maybe I'm just imagining things." I say to myself. I walk back to the camp and sit in my room, all I could think about was Luke.
    Then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I say softly. The door opens and Percy stands in the doorway. "Chiron said me and you have to do patrol tonight." Percy says. I just nod my head and look at the floor. I hear Percy walk out of the cabin. I start to think of who or what was outside of the border. What was it? An animal or maybe a person? What if it was Luke? No that's crazy. Why would Luke want to come to back to the camp? I get up from my bed to put on my armor for the patrol, then grab my belt with my daggers that Luke gave me.
     And walk out to the tree line by the barrier. I walk the border line with my bow and arrows ready just in case that I see anything suspicious. I walk by the path that goes by the dock that I always go to and don't come back until sundown. I hear a twig snap from behind a tree and see a dark shadow behind the tree. "Who's there? I know your there!" I say string up my bow to shoot at the intruder. "Whoa, easy their, y/n." The mysterious person says coming out from behind the tree and putting his hands up in the air. I gasp in shock and amazement. "Luke?" I say astonished that he is standing right in front of me.  "Yep. It's me." Luke says smiling and looking into my (e/c) eyes.
          I blush and then smile. Luke always seemed to put a smile to my face. "What are you doing here?" I say. Luke looks down at the ground and starts to get nervous. Oh no, Luke getting nervous that's not good. "I uh came to see a friend." Luke says looking at the ground. "A friend? Like as in me?" I ask. He nods his head yes and smiles. "Yes and I also wanted to tell you something." Luke says. "Follow me."
      Luke says gesturing for me to follow. "What could Luke want to tell me?" I think to myself as I follow Luke into the forest.

What do you think Luke needs to talk to you about? Guess you will find out in the next chapter. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.


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