Chapter 3

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I woke up by myself in the kitchen. I heard the kids in the other room with Bryan. I looked at my body to see that Jay had put bandages on me and made the bleeding stopped. He's a sweet heart.

I got up and winched in pain. I looked in the cupboard and saw pain meds. I grabbed the bottle and got out 2 tablets and got some water and swallowed the tablets. I walked into the tiny living room and saw Jay in the corner and Ally playing with Barbie dolls. Bryan was sitting on the couch watching one of his stupid shows.

"Honey, What's Jay doing in the corner?"

"He's in timeout. He yelled at me and disrespect me."

I walked passed the couch and Bryan grabbed my wrist and forced me to sit on his lap.

He whispered in my ear.

"Baby, move your ass in my lap."

"Sweetie, the kids are in here." I looked at the kids then back to tv.

"I don't care, do it or I make you do it!"

He grabbed my hips and starting moving them. I'm mentally screaming inside my head you "little assfuck I don't want to do this!!!"

He started groaning and I felt his hard-on.

"I'm taking you right now!"

"No, not now!" I shouted.

The kids looked up and I gave Jay the signal and he took Ally outside to play and Bryan picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me all the way to the bedroom and lightly dropped me.

He took off his pants and roughly took my shirt and pants off and stated kissing me and rubbing all over my body.

I felt dirty after every time me and him had sex. I got up from the bed.. I could ran away now ill take the kids and run. Bryan was still asleep. I get dressed and went to send the kids inside.

I walked outside and saw the kids playing with sticks sword fighting.

*Flash back*

"bubba, can we go play outside and sword fight?"

"sure sissy, we can go ambush captian jack sparrow ship."

"yay, let's go!"

Me and my big brother ran outside to the woods and picked out a good wooden blade. Next thing I remember is being in the hospital..

*flash back ends*

"Come on kids, were leaving daddy."

Jay and Ally both looked at me and smiled. They never have liked there dad. I wouldn't either.

We all went inside. I bend down and silently whispered to jay.

"Jay, pack you and your sisters clothes and put it in one big bag, and some undies for both of y'all, and some socks, and get a pair of shoes, and one book each ok and meet me back in here in 5 minutes, ok?"

"ok mama."

They both walk to there rooms and I walked into the kitchen and got the cookie jar in the cabinet and got 5 hundred bills and put it back in cabinet.

I walked back to the bedroom and got a duffel bag and silently got pairs of underwear and socks and walked into closet and got some pants and shirts and a jacket and a pair of shoes.

I walked to the door and looked back and Bryan and thought to myself out of this life and looked to where the door and kids are at and said to myself I'm gonna have a new life with my kids.

I got the kids and we all fast walked to the car and put bags in the car and I buckled them in and got driver side and started the car and drove to the only place I knew no one would tell where I went... my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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