part two

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Hundreds of years pass since the....

The school bell rung...means class is over...
Jeez!!!that fucking story scared the fucking shit out of me said Jimmy as they walked out of the school..I don't think I wanna listen to that crap again he continued, I don't think it really exist Sarah cut in..but I think it's an interesting story' Jesus you kidding me Sarah' Jimmy said..
later that night as Jones also a student of that class slept on his bed, his mind raced back to that topic,is it true? Does that story really exist, this was what raced through his mind till he fell asleep..

the next day at school the topic Was the main discussion. almost everybody were talking about it, it was half past nine and Mr smith was not in school yet nobody seems to bother cause they were excited about it.. About 10;30am Mr smith came in with two men,sorry for the lateness had a meeting with the state authority he said and guess what class? we going to fulanian nation to learn more about the tribe from the horses mouth,the class went uproar in shout of joy,and that is not all' he continued; the states is gonna take care of all the expense all you need do is just show up..aha I forgot to introduced to y'all this two gentlemen by my side turning to them,he said am sorry for that..this is Mr Nicole a tourist he's gonna be our guide to the fulanian nation, the latter waving his hand to signify, laughter filled the class,and this is Mr joe he's from the Fulani tribe he is gonna be our who's in? He asked, all the students hand went up..a smile spread across the lecturer face...

am so excited this gonna happen like for real,shit am in heaven Jimmy said:
I dunno know if am up for this stuff,gat stuff to handle Jones said. c'mon let just go and see real stuff,it's gonna be fun trust me said Sarah..
When Jones got home that day..he went straight to his room locked himself up...and began searching his computer about the fulani tribe..alas! they had a different story to tell...amyra was a virgin who was sacrified to their god as she died slowly she swore that she would revenge her death,it is said to believed that her spirit still roam the place ,that anybody who comes across her will be enchanted to bring her back...a cold chill went down his spine...
later that night,on the dining table he told his parents about the traveling stuff at first his parents were reluctant to allowed him but after much persuasion they allowed him..

On that day, out of thirty three students only eleven students were allowed to go...
Danny and his girlfriend Amy,paul and his brother peter,Lisa mike,sarah,jones,jimmy'lucy and Joni...
Soon they were on their way to the was a dull ride cause everybody was sad on leaving home..but as they got to the airport everyone became lively..soon enough they were on the plane bound for was a chartered plane so they had the best of time chatting..peter boast that he would shake hand with amyra if he comes in contact with her and that made everybody laugh..but Jones had a different thought,

"What if the computer was saying the truth
What if truly amyra still exist and roam the place"

he was lost deep in his thought when he was shake by Danny on the shoulder,hey Jones what's up? you just cool like a rat that fell into the water. everybody laughed, or don't tell me you are scared of amyra" he said teasing him.. everybody laughed again..Jones is scared of amyra Jones is scared of amyra Danny mocked him...ummm sighed Jones,Danny always made fun in mocking him.he has always been on his ass since first year in high school but he has learn to tolerate him,despite all this Danny was a nice guy to be with..soon he slept off only to be awoke later by the screeching of the giant metal bird tire..and the woman voice over the speaker ''welcome to fulani"after all the necessary interrogation they boarded a chartered bus to their hotel in the heart of Fulani state...

it was a nice place to be,the beach was perhaps the best in the world...who's going for a swim with me? danny ask the next morning, all went except Jones who dint like the idea cause the water was so cold and he has pneumonia so he decided he will just take a walk around the beach..walking along the beach he started thinking about the computer words again''the spirit of amyra still roam the place and anybody that comes in contact with her will be enchanted to bring her back''just at that moment he saw something that made him shrieked,he saw a girl about the age of 18 standing afloat at the far end of the water..blood seems to be dripping from all over her body and her two eyes were missing..suddenly he heard his name,it was Danny calling out to him then he realized he had stroll too far from the group...when he turned toward that direction where he had seen the girl she was no more there..terrified by this he ran away...later that night he couldn't sleep cause the image of that girl kept coming to his mind now and then she would appear to him in his dream saying some words he couldn't understand..the fifth time she came Jones got hold of the words.she was saying ''hamagrata'sani''....

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