Chapter 10

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Niall's POV:

I stormed out of that diner. I didn't want to see Harry's face for another second. I heard the doors open behind me and the gravel crunched as Harry yelled my name but I kept walking. In a few seconds, I felt his hand on my shoulder and as he spun me around, I felt my arm lift and my fist clench right before it connected with his face. Harry dropped to the ground and I was stunned for a second. I was never one to act out violently and I didn't even want to punch him. My hand started to throb from the impact and I looked up to see the rest of the boys and Peyton standing at the doors of the diner. Looking at their faces, I'm guessing they saw me punch Harry in the face. Harry moaned on the ground still clutching his face and he brought us all back into reality.

I don't know why, but I bolted. I ran onto the main road and kept running into town, not looking back once. I could hear Louis, Zayn, Peyton, and most clearly, Liam yelling my name as I disappeared down the street.

I kept running and running through the town. It was actually a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I passed building after building after building yet I never stopped. When I did come to a stop, it was in front of a diner. I didn't realize how tired and hungry I still was till I stopped right outside the doors. My stomach growled and my legs ached and I regretted running. I don't know how people can do it for fun. I need to sit down and refuel. So I stepped inside the diner and sat down at a booth in the back. A waitress soon came over.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked sweetly in her southern accent.

"Uh just some coffee, please." she walked away and came back a second later with a steaming mug of black coffee. She set it down on the table in front of me and the smell of coffee made my stomach grumble. And loudly.

"I'm guessin' you're hungry too. Would ya like somethin' to eat as well?" I nodded my head tiredly.

"Whats good here?"

"Well that would have to be Shirley's grill cheese and tomato soup. Would you like some?"

"Yeah that would be great, thanks." she nodded and left me to myself and I grabbed the sugar and cream, pouring a little of each into my coffee and stirring it. Sipping it slowly, i stared out the window. The noise in the background faded as I thought about the boys and Peyton, probably looking for me. But then i thought of Harry and anger bubbled inside me. I didn't want them to find me anymore. The clunk of dinnerware in front of me brought me out of my thoughts.

"Here you go." The waitress smiled sweetly.

"Thank you." She sat down in the booth with me.

"Are you okay?" She asked sincerely. I looked around and noticed that the diner wasn't busy at all. I looked back at her.

"No, not exactly." I tore off a piece of my grilled cheese and dipped it into the tomato soup.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Well do you at least have somewhere to go?" Come to think of it, no i didn't. i didnt know where I was or how to get to the hotel or how to find the boys. I pulled out my phone but, just my luck, it was dead.

"No i don't. And I have no idea where I am either."

"Do you mind waiting half an hour? My shift is almost over. You're more than welcome to come with me and stay the night till you figure out where you're headin'." She smiled sweetly. Now that i really looked, this waitress was really pretty. Her sleek brown hair was pulled back in a long ponytail. her bright blue eyes reflected her bright personality and her face defiantly was nice on the eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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