Day 5: The Hunter

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Day 5: A World Where Sharks Swim In The Forest...And You/Your OC Is Lost In The Woods

Tongue pinched between his teeth, Anderson stalked closer the the big shadow looming over the forest floor. He'd been tracking the shark for three days, and it had led him to a part of the forest he didn't recognize.

As a Hunter, he had been everywhere. To prove himself in his profession spanning over 20 years, he'd explored every corner of the forest that covered most parts of the the world. How was it that he was in a place he didn't recognize?

No matter, he'd come this far. He'd collect his bounty.

Rotting sticks littered the ground. Anderson took a step forward, and snap! He hadn't been careful enough. The shadow disappeared, and along with it, the great creature was gone, too. Damn it!

He paused and listened. Far off, there was a scream. The scream of someone...young. Small. Guess he knew where the shark was now. He sighed and sprinted forward. Time to be the hero?

He arrived to a hideous confrontation. A little girl, barely 6 years old, wearing a pink nightgown and a little head covered in brown curls, was crouched by an enormous tree, gaping up at the towering figure above her: a great white shark. It lunged at her as she opened her mouth to scream.

He was too late. Before he had a chance to strike, the monster had already torn the girl apart. Anderson closed his eyes and said a silent prayer, for the poor child who had died far too early for her time. May she rest in peace. Then, with grim purpose, he strode forward, making no effort to conceal himself.

The shark, still feasting on the girl's remains, turned to him, covered in blood and gore. It let out a fearsome roar, shaking the trees surrounding them.

Anderson took out his gun and shot it through the eye. The shark flailed and charged at him, but weakened, it slowed and stopped, still breathing but unable to move. Unable to defend itself. Unable to get away.

He was full of rage. How dare this demonic creature take the life of a young girl? It had no right. It would pay. Out of his pack, he pulled a long, 12-inch knife. He walked up to the paralyzed shark and bent down. It eyed him with fear.

He brought the knife tip to the leathery skin of the creature and sliced through. Soon, a thin line of cut flesh was visible going from one end of the shark's stomach to the other, blood trickling out. Then, he flayed it alive.

There's an age-old question: If a tree falls in the forest but there's no one around to hear it, does it still make a noise?

On this night, as the mighty Great White Shark fell, no one heard its screams.

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