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"I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different." -Veronica Roth, 'Divergent'

Lily Potter had always hated the meetings. They were, under most circumstances, downright boring. They would spend an hour and a half talking about the news, or something she thought had nothing even remote to do with what they should be discussing, and then they would leave. Mrs. Potter had decided long ago that, even if her stubborn husband insisted, she would not go back to one of the stupid meetings unless it was actually productive.

"Lily, just one more time!" he told her.

"No, James!" Lily would snap. "It's completely idiotic; we're not helping anything! We didn't stop the Mikinnon's from being murdered, did we?"

"Just this once!" James pleaded. "Dumbledore said tonight was important - only us, Sirius, and Remus, okay? Alice and Frank promised to take Harry!" He sighed. "How often do we get to see Moony and Padfoot anymore? With us in hiding like this? I can't stand it, Lils!"

Lily stared at him for a long time, her arms crossed and her lips pursed, but she gave up eventually, sighing. James was right - Sirius and Remus, their very close friends, never got to visit because of their place in hiding.

"Fine," Lily agreed grudgingly. "Only this once. Not anymore."

Lily never ceased to scowl when they entered the Headquarters. Grimlaud Place was, in her opinion, the most unpleasant, sullen place anywhere, next to Knockturn Ally. The walls and carpets were thick with dust, and under that was probably grime, and under that was probably black, or a dark green color, like everything else in the godforsaken house.

"Ah, welcome, James, Lily," Dumbledore announced as they entered the so-called kitchen, taking their seats, hugging Sirius and Remus hello. "It's good you came."

"Let's get this over with, Albus," Lily said, setting her head on her hand.

"Yes, of course," said Dumbledore. "The reason for this meeting is very crucial. I have recently acquired knowledge of... the future."

Lily's eyes widened, and she sat up more in her sudden interest. She didn't think that was possible; Mrs. Potter had, after all, been classified as a 'know-it-all' in her school years.

"How?" Remus asked, somewhat fearfully.

The old man sighed. "I brought the proof... Don't attack them. I've already done everything - everything they tell you is true. Come on in, you two."

The kitchen door opened, but only a bit. Before anything happened, they heard a woman hiss just loud enough for them to hear, "For Merlin's sake, just open it!" and then a mutter, and the door opened all the way to reveal a shock.

Lily's eyes flickered to her husband's, then back to the man's in the doorway. They were identical - messy black hair, round glasses - hell, they even had the same face! Only... the newcomer had emerald eyes, and a faint scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightening bolt.

"Let me in, you twat!" The woman squeezed passed him and shot him a glare. "First you drag me all the way here with you, and then you won't even let me into the room?"

"You followed me, I didn't drag you here!" the man shot back.

"Same difference."

The man muttered under his breath, "Annoying little bugger, she is."

The woman turned and smiled at the group sitting down, and Dumbledore. She had long auburn hair that was up in a messy pony tail, freckles dotted across her face, and warm chocolate eyes.

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