Chapter 2

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"The universe is big, and vast, and complicated and ridiculous. Sometimes, very rarely, impossible thing just happen and we call them miracles. And that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me." -The Doctor, 'Doctor Who'

With a faint whirling sound, six adult figures faded into existence, each looking stricken and baffled.

"So..." Sirius said quietly after a few minutes of no one moving, but he trailed off, having no words to express his amazement.

"So," Lily croaked out, feeling similar.

"The future," James said, examining the field around him.

It was emerald with spring grass, dotted slightly with yellow flowers. Farther up there was a tall, crooked, old house that basked in the silhouette of the sun. Part of a seemingly healthy garden could be seen, and James would've sworn he had seen a garden gnome hiding in the bushes. An old, blue, broken down car lay in the dirt adjacent to the house, and a pair of chickens pecked at the ground.

"Home sweet home..." Ginny whispered, staring at the house wistfully. "I haven't been here since Spetember...!"

"Why? You live here?" Remus asked, everting his gaze from the house and looking over at her.

"I used to live here, until I was nineteen," murmured Ginny, "then I moved out... But this was always home, no matter what."

"Ginny and I were living in the past for awhile before we saw you," said Harry. "Working it out with Dumbledore, getting used to the time change, making sure it would work..."

"What day is it?" Ginny questioned.

"The twenty ninth of November," Harry answered, "two thousand and three, three thirty PM."

"It's already November?" Sirius was confused.

"When you time travel for long distances like that, it takes away a few days," said Harry. "It's a bit complicated... What do you say we get some food, and then we'll explain everything?"

They began to slowly walk through the grass towards the house, but Ginny stopped them, beginning to smile.

"What?" Harry asked her, confused on why they stopped.

"Teddy's here," she told him. "Out around in the back - I just heard him."

"Let's not see him just yet, but after we've done some explaining we can," said Harry. "At least we know your parents are home, then."

They reached the front door, and instead of knocking Ginny just let them in, holding the door and calling, "Mum? Dad? You home?"

The sitting room was what they saw, decorated with homey seating areas and a cozy fireplace. There was one thing that caught their eye; a clock on one side of the wall, that instead of hands carried spoons with small pictures on them. Two of the spoons suddenly moved into a space that said 'home'.

"Oooh, let's see if there's any leftovers," Ginny said excitedly, shuffling into the kitchen and coming quickly back out with a piece of bacon in her hand.

Just as a woman burst through a door, almost making Ginny choke.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley and Harry James Potter, exactly where have you been?" The woman demanded loudly.

"Jesus... Merlin, Mum!" Ginny forced out, coughing and holding her chest, "Make me choke, will y-"

"Two months! Two months!" Ginny's mother almost screeched. "No explanation, no letter, just gone! What have I told you again and again?! If you're going to run off for half a year, at least give us a fair warning! Now, where was it this time, huh? France? No, let me guess, Ethiopia? Iraq? Ugh, please don't tell me it was..." Her eyes suddenly fell on Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius, and they grew wide, her anger being replaced by fear. "What...? What the...?!"

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