Chapter 3

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"Marcus stop please I'm sorry" I shouted at Marc because I was teasing him about his girlfriend. Like always, He blocks out the blushing by tickling me till I can breathe

"Aha yeah Cara I've heard that one before"He says while I get up because thanks to him, I'm awake.

"I'm soo tired Marc"I say falling back on to my bed

"Cara it's 2 in the afternoon get the fuck up" he yelled and hit me with a pillow I swear this boy has serious problems. I get up to hit him but then he runs out of the room. I attempted to chase him with a pillow but he was much to fast for me and hey, its kind of hard running around in a house you know.

"Marc" I yell as if he would stop, I was going so fast that I didn't know Kelsey was right in front of me and I could've fallen into her.

"I'm so sorry Kelsey"I say as she holds me in her arms holding me back from Marc and he's just in the background laughing

"Fuck off Marc"I said and he smirked while leaving.

" No I'm sorry for coming into your house without asking, my bad." Kelsey said as she let go of me. I laughed because she's been doing that for since our friendship became "strong"

"Are you seriously saying sorry" I say signaling to go back up to my room

"Actually, nope." she said and sat on my bed as I put the pillow I tried throwing on Marcus back.

"Any plans?" She asked.

"Nah not really, why you got some?" I say grabbing a white sweater that says "Cali"in pink and some black tights to go with it.

"Nope but we'll we could go shopping I don't know maybe, your choice" She shrugged her shoulders

"Okay then, lets go shopping but you need to give me like 10 minutes" I say and head to the bathroom.

—20 Minutes Later—

We arrived at the mall and as I got out of Kelsey's car,  she held my hand. I was confused at first but when I looked into her eyes, she kissed my cheeks. I know I was really happy about all this but at the same time, I was uncomfortable. I mean we weren't officially dating and even if we were I wouldn't want anyone to see us.

"Where do you wanna go first?" She said letting go of my hand in which I was relieved and we both stepped into the mall.

"Umm forever 21?"I said with a grin on my face as she giggled and and blushed. She's so beautiful when she blushes oh my god I think I'm developing feelings for one of my best friends but like I mean we kissed! Oh Cara stop thinking so much and live in the moment.

"Let's goo!"she said in excitement and we walked in, everything was breath taking . After what felt like 2 hours, we went to go eat.

"I'm coming back, I'll be in the bathroom " Kelsey said and left. I was left all alone.. But like. Oh my god Cara stop being soo deep and depressing why can't you live your life happily I mean you found the one you've been looking for, Kelsey. You lover her! and I know she love you back so shut the fuck up and be happy.

I went to get out food and I saw a crowd of girls huddling in a group screaming and yelling and I was irritated so
I went back to my table and waited for Kelsey because I don't like eating alone. I heard the screaming getting louder to the point as if they were right behind me. I turn around to see a tall Brunette boy with a touch of blonde wearing a lather jacket with black jeans and the other boy was a bit shorter with a ginger hair in a young Justin Bieber look wearing a pink shirt and black jeans. I felt like I've seen them before but not so clear.I shrug it off thinking it was someone famous well most likely, then I saw Kelsey and a smile formed on my face.

"You didn't start eating?" She said and sat down.

"Nope, I was waiting for you" She blushed which made me blush. We begin eating and talking about all the old memories we had together as kids.

Ah we had great ones.

About another 2 hours passed by and with about five bags in our hands each we left for home. I pulled out my phone to check the time and it was 7. Right under it showed I had a bunch of texts from Melody and Anderson but I didn't bother to check them because it probably bullshit. Like always.

We arrived at home and since Kelsey lives right in front of me, she parked her car instead of dropping me off to my place.

"I'll see you well on Friday" She said shrugging and locked her car while I opened my door and we both stood there. I was kinda upset too. You see she goes to a catholic school and I go to a public school and it kind of sad because well she's the only actual friend I have. The other one is Ashton and well I don't even know If we're still friends and all the others are just bullshit and they don't count either.

"Well goodnight" I said almost forming a question because it was 8 and a school night.

"Goodbye beautiful"She said smiling and hugged me and I felt butterflies dancing inside my stomach once again. I didn't wanna let go but I had too...
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Hey I'm sry for late update!but it here thanks you guys so much and Thank you afstiles for helping ily❤️and guys follow whoreifyingobsessed and read her book their amazing just like her❤️ anyway stay weird!

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