Part 15: Mindless Terror

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Yn: *jaw drops* 

Ray: im sorry if this it too soon babe

Yn: *shakes head*

Ray: You okay?

Yn: *mouths* not really…im lost of words

Ray: How come?

Yn: *mouths* I never thought a boy would be asking me this..i thought I would die a virgin

Ray: Hey! Don’t say that

Yn: *mouths* Ray you don’t understand how miserable I was without you

Ray: Well im here now babe…that’s all you need

Yn: *mouths* Yes I will give you my virginity 

Ray: *smiles and takes out a ring* this is a promise ring , I want you to promise to me that you will give ur virginity to only me, you still stay with me till we die and be my soulmate

Yn: *jaw drops and mouths* RAY I PROMISE!

Ray: *puts the ring on your fingers* I love you

Yn: *mouths* I love you more 

----------Miranda and Sarah bust through the room door

Them: You ready ray?!

Ray: Hells Yea ! 

Yn: *confused face and mouths* ready for what???

Sarah: to start therapy on you!

Yn: *mouths* we starting now???

Miranda: Yup ! ray said today at exactly at 9:00 but now to tell you *smirks* 

Yn: *mouths* Oh god 

-------Miranda and Sarah sit on the bed beside you

Sarah: Yn…Breath in and breath out 

Yn: *breaths in and breaths out* 

Miranda: attempt to say hi

Yn: *trys but nothing comes out*

Ray: Try again babe…force it hard 

Yn: *trys harder but nothing comes out* 

Sarah: whats the reason u gon mute???

Yn: *mouths* Well I was dad raped me and told me not to tell anyone and stay on mute or he’ll come back and kill me and since I been on mute for so long ; my voice has disappeared

Miranda: its still there…u have to really force it 

Yn: *trys to say something but a squeak comes out*

Ray: That’s a start ! 

Sarah: *laughs a little* Yes it is ! keep trying, you are almost there

Yn: *trys again and the squeak gets louder*

Miranda: Keep going!!!

Yn: *keeps trying and screams*…….

-likes for part 16


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