Humanize Me Pt. 1

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Dark has been sulking for ages. He got depressed about two months ago and reabsorbed into me to live in the demon realm for awhile. This isn't unusual. Dark doesn't call our world home. He isn't from here, and though he loves it here and spends quite a bit of time here, he still goes home every now and then. It's just that this time was different. He left because he was depressed. I've been cutting my hands trying to bleed him out and cheer him up, but he won't budge. I used to give Dark humanity by kissing him with my blood on my lips...but it would only last for a matter of hours. During said hours he was able to feel things and be felt, and experience deep human emotions. He eventually didn't need my blood to have humanity because he spent so much time up here in our world, and he was glad for that, but there was one thing that was wrong. The only people who can see him are people I truly care about. My friends and family can see him, that's it. He caught a glimpse of a woman about two months ago and tried so hard to talk to her, but of course she couldn't see or hear him. He hasn't quite been the same since. I bought a book's a book about demons. I was hoping to find something about visibility...and there is one way to make him visible to all, I just hope he's willing to come back for it.


"Seriously Mark? Blood transfusions?" I said with a puzzled expression. "It's for're a nurse, can't you help us?" "I don't know. How are we supposed to transfuse blood into Dark from the hospital? Nobody can see him there outside of me." "Simple. Draw my blood, and stick the needle into his arm and put it in there." I scowled. "Don't you think the other staff are going to react to seeing an IV drip into what appears to them to be air? Then what happens?" Mark sighed. "Look, we have to do something. He's pretty depressed. He still does his job just fine, but he's clearly extremely unhappy." "What about you? Don't you understand you are asking me to remove an ungodly amount of blood from you?" "Can't you get me blood from someone else?" "Well duh, Mark, but what cover story do I use? Blood transfusions are given to people who have lost a lot of blood through injuries and like things. I can't just bring you in and give you a transfusion if you're not injured." "I bleed Dark out. When I slash myself I'll be injured. Just bullshit everyone and say that I bled a lot." I sighed deeply. "Okay Mark. Tomorrow night...I'm at the hospital until 7...I'll be waiting for you at the ER." Mark smiled. "Great, wait until I tell Dark!" I just hope this works. I thought.


I drew the blade across my arm. "Dark, come out. Please?" No response. Just the blood trickling down my arm. "Dark, come out. I found a way to make you visible." That changed things. I felt that strange, surreal feeling I always felt when Dark's arrival was imminent. The blood that had pooled on the bathroom floor started bubbling away like it was boiling. I was elated. When Dark emerged from it he looked like hell. His eyes were dull and emotionless and his mouth was bent into a frown. He had no zest, and no personality. We locked eyes. "You had better be serious." he said flatly. "I am. (Y/N) is going to help us out with a blood transfusion." Dark raised an eyebrow. "Blood transfusion?" he repeated. "Yes. If I transfuse my blood into yours, you'll be visible." Dark didn't seem very convinced. "Where did you learn this so called information, Mark?" "From some demonology book I bought online." Dark sighed. "Those books always get us so wrong...but...I suppose its worth a try...what exactly will this change? I don't want to be a demon-human hybrid..." "You won't'll be the same Dark you are now...minus the depression and the limited visibility." Dark cracked a half smile. "Let's do it, buddy. What's the worst that could happen?" I didn't want to answer, because I wasn't really sure. I wrapped my hand up and headed for the hospital. Just as (y/n) promised, she was waiting for us. She saw Dark and his 'status' and immediately frowned a frown of sympathy. I didn't like seeing him so bummed either. I turned on my best acting capabilities and told (y/n) that I had a terrible accident and had lost a lot of blood. (Y/N) played her role perfectly, escorting us into a room immediately and rushing to get blood. She siphoned my blood as quickly as possible. "Why don't you have a bag for this?" I asked, weak from the needles and blood loss. "Because I don't, ok? Now pipe down. Please." I squirmed as she inserted another needle. "How many more vials?" I whined. (Y/N) glared at me. "About 5, okay? And you're filling up the vials quickly, I'd say you've got less than 5 minutes of this left." I was relieved. I glanced over at Dark who was impatiently waiting on the blood. (Y/N) grabbed a bag of blood and began dripping the new blood into me. "Hoo boy, now we are going to have some fun, Dark." she said turning to him. "I've got to find a way to get this blood into you. It's in vials...can't be that way..." Dark looked anxious. "Hold on." she said, leaving the room. When she returned she had empty IV bags. "I thought you didn't have any?" I said, angrily. "Mark, just stop. I wasn't quite in my zone, just worry about your IV drip. I'm handling Dark." "Shut up, nurse." She glared at me without saying anything. "Jesus." I heard her mutter. She began transferring the blood from the vials to the bags. Once the first was filled she gingerly inserted the needle into Dark's arm. He pulled away. "What are these things?" he said, waving his arm. "Needles, Dark. I'm sorry, it does hurt a bit, but you won't feel it after it's in if you don't play with it." Dark squeezed his eyes shut as (y/n) inserted the needle. "Boys, it's gonna be awhile. Like a long while...several hours, so get comfy." I sighed. I hadn't even thought about how long a transfusion took. "Just relax and watch TV or something...I hope this works, good luck. I'll come check on you in awhile." And with that, she walked off. I exchanged looks with Dark. He was noticeably nervous. "Do you feel anything?" I asked. Dark focused for a minute. "Yeah, tingly stuff. I feel a bit weird...and dizzy." Dark promptly fainted. I would have gotten up to help him, but I was tied into my IV. I thought about calling for (y/n), but once I saw the IV was still perfectly in place, I figured I'd just let everything ride out as it was.

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